5 Things Inside the House That Causes Your Allergies to Flare Up


Last Updated on October 12, 2020

Living with allergies is nowhere easy. You need to make sure the house is dust and pollen-free. If you have a pet, their very fur can also be your allergy-trigger since there is no such thing as a real hypoallergenic cat or dog. But know that these three items are not the only things that can make living in your home miserable. Other things are lurking inside your home that could very well be the reason your allergies tend to be more when you’re inside the house.


Mold spores can cause you to experience itching, sore throat, stuffy nose, and other respiratory symptoms. Take note that just because you can’t find physical signs of mold growth and you don’t smell the usual musty odor, this already meant your home is mold-free. There are times when mold grows in hard to find places, such as your vents, the roof, and even your attic.

If you want to make sure your home does not have molds, you can consider buying a mold test kit. You can also call a local mold remediation expert. They can check the house to see if there is mold growth anywhere, tackle the mold removal process in a fast and effective way, and restore your home to normal.


Did you know that these pesky and nasty insects contain a protein that is a common allergen to many people? Their eggs, saliva, feces, and other body parts can be allergens that can cause nasal congestion, coughing, wheezing, skin rashes, and ear and sinus infection. Even dead cockroaches are capable of making you sick.

In this case, you need to make sure to keep your home as roach-free as possible. They could be hiding anywhere inside the house. But cockroaches can be usually found in cabinets, pipes, electronics, furniture, and kitchen appliances.

You can get rid and prevent cockroaches the natural way by spraying peppermint oil, mixing flour, anddiatomaceousearth, or place catnip around the house. You can also opt for aboricacid mix which is flour andboricacid to kill cockroaches. If you don’t want to deal with them, a pest control company would be happy to help.

Humidifier: Another way to get rid of allergies

We use humidifiers to add moisture to our indoor air. But if the humidity goes beyond 50%, it can be a perfect breeding ground for fungi, germs, and even bacteria. Your humidifier itself can grow mold which will then blow mold spores inside the house, causing your allergies.

To check if your humidifier is causing your allergies, try not to use it for a few days and bring it back after a while. If your symptoms get worse whenever you use your humidifier, then it could be making your allergies worse. You can opt to go without or regularly clean the humidifier and use distilled or mineral water instead of tap water.

Use Vacuum for allergies 

You use your vacuum to get rid of dirt, dust, and allergens. But after usage, do you actually get rid of the vacuum bag? Or do you simply plug it out and store it in your closet?

According to research, your vacuum’sdust bag can trigger allergiessince this is a perfect reservoir for molds, bacteria, viruses, and other allergens. This is why it is very much advisable that you regularly clean your vacuum. When you do, make sure you wear your face mask and gloves to avoid inhaling the allergens and risking touching the dirty part and spread the allergens around the house.

Home Fragrances

One quick fix to a smelly home is an air freshener or your favorite scented candles. After cleaning the house, you often go for one of these home fragrances to give it that nice, clean scent. But more often than not, the very chemicals in your air freshener along with the secondary pollutants can trigger and even exacerbate your allergies.

Such artificial home fragrances usually contain Volatile Organic Compounds, which are chemicals often used in paint, gas, hairspray, and cleaning agents. When inhaled, this can irritate your eyes, nose, and mouth, cause dizziness, headache, fatigue, and even shortness of breath. Even if you use air fresheners and scented candles with precaution, you can experience health issues with continued use and exposure.

The good news is, there are other ways you can freshen up your home without using artificial scents. You can open the windows to let in the fresh air, use baking soda to soak up odor in a way that’s safe for people with asthma, or use your favorite essential oils. You can also simmer citrus and spice to imitate your favorite store-bought scented candles or better yet, put on your apron and start baking baked goodies to fill the house with that yummy scent.

When you or a family member has allergies, you need to take into consideration everything thatcan trigger an allergy attack. Keeping your home clean and healthy is a great way to combat allergies. If you want a healthier home, consider these tips as your guide.