DIY Plumbing Repair or Call a Professional: Which is Better for Your Situation?

plumbing repair

A recent report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the number of plumbers and related service providers will rise by 14% by 2028. The growth of the real estate industry is one of the factors increasing the demand for plumbers. If you need plumbing services, getting a professional wouldn’t take you long.

However, opting for DIY plumbing has been another ideal option for most homeowners. You don’t have to contact a professional for plumbing repair. Based on the task at hand, you can do it yourself and still get commendable results.

Are you wondering whether to call a professional or execute a DIY plumbing repair? Here’s a comprehensive guide on when to DIY or call an expert depending on the situation.

DIY Plumbing Repair

Minor plumbing problems don’t require the intervention of a professional. You can make them a DIY project without any errors. Here are some of the situations where DIY plumbing is tenable.

Repairing Your Toilet Hardware

Toilets often become defective, especially after prolonged usage. Most of these problems emanate from faulty seals, clogs, or chains. The good thing is that you can always fix the issues without consulting any experts.

You can get the parts you need to replace at a store near you. Some old toilet parts, such as the tank, might start performing dismally. Don’t be surprised to figure out that you only need to work on the chain connecting the rubber stopper and the flush handle.

If your toilet feels unstable, you can get a DIY kit, which will make the repair easier. However, major toilet problems such as leaking walls or installation of new toilets require a professional hand.

You can hire a local plumbing specialist, such as a Perth plumber, to ensure the proper installation of your new toilet. Choose one with enough experience in installing the type of toilets you want, such as a pressure-assisted toilet, one with a double cyclone flush, or a gravity flush toilet. With a professional’s help, you can achieve the look and functionality you desire for your bathroom.

Installation of a New Faucet

Many people get worried when plumbing repair involves the installation of a new system. A simple tutorial can help you deal with a plumbing replacement that you’d never imagine you’d be able to pull off. If there’s a faucet that you’ve been desiring, check out a plumbing supply store near you and go for a quality product.

Installing your faucet will be a simple procedure that will save you considerable resources. The first step will involve turning off the cold and hot water valves under the sink. The kit often has a manual to guide you in removing the old faucet and replacement.

A professional plumber is necessary if the faucet has damaged valve connections. You might want to make your work easier by buying a faucet with similar connection points to your older system. Drilling new holes in the sink will make the process more complex!

Showerhead Repair and Replacement

A well-functioning showerhead sprays water evenly from its nozzle. Over time, some of the water channels are clogged, which prevents uniformity in water spraying. The performance can be frustrating, especially if showering with a full-blast shower is your relaxation technique.

Consider removing the showerhead for a soak in a descaling solution. The showerhead will start working again once you’ve cleaned it thoroughly. You might need a replacement if your old shower head is corroded or has other internal damages.

Installing a new showerhead is equally easy. You can get a showerhead with your preferred water pressure. Following the manufacturers’ instructions will have you fixing the showerhead like a pro.

Tools You Need For DIY Plumbing Repair

Check out the following DIY plumbing repair tools you need to prepare:

  • Basin Wrench: This plumbing tool loosens the nuts of kitchen sinks. It has a spring-loaded, clamping jaw used to grip and turn bolts and fasteners in constrained spaces.  
  • Pipe Wrench: Prepare two wrenches. One wrench is used to stabilize work and the other for turning. This tool also helps to loosen a rusted old fitting.  
  • Adjustable Wrench: This tool comes in different sizes that perform smaller plumbing, such as replacing showerheads and faucets. 
  • Plunger: It tackles overflowing toilets and clogged drains. 
  • Toilet Auger: You should have an auger ready when the plunger can’t get the plumbing job done. This tool extends a long metal cable into the toilet drain to break up clogs or obstructions. 
  • Tongue And Pliers: You need a pair of tongues and pliers to turn, tighten, loosen, and hold things in place.   
  • Plumber’s Tape: This tool helps prevent leaks in threaded joints when connecting showerheads to pipes. Examples include a threat sale tape or Teflon tape. 
  • Plumber’s Putty: A jointing compound forms a watertight seal to avoid leaks when repairing, replacing, and upgrading drains and faucets.

When to Call a Professional for Plumbing Repair

About 24% of homeowners make insurance claims for water damage. Cases of burst pipes and accidental leaks are among the most common types of water damages facing homeowners. Some of these situations are quite grave, and involving a professional shouldn’t be debatable.

Here are cases that are better left to professional plumbers.

Renovation Projects

When renovating parts of your house, such as the master bathroom or kitchen, the plumbing needs will be quite complex. Besides the nature of the job, you’ll need permits. Licensed plumbers have the permits and knowledge of building codes within your region.

Hiring a professional plumber when remodeling your home will allow you to rest easy. You’ll be confident knowing that your house is safe and the installations perfect.

Burst Pipes

Pipes tend to burst when the weather is very cold. As a result, your home is likely to flood, and the destruction can be unimaginable. The first step to take when this happens it to shut off the main water valve.

Then, call a professional for further assistance. This kind of water damage needs emergency services, and the experts can provide reliable help as soon as possible. DIY plumbing repair, in this case, can lead to further damage, which can cost you significant resources and time wastage.

Repair or Replacement of Large Fixtures

The magnitude of some repairs necessitates the intervention of an expert plumber. When your tubs or water heater units require a replacement, consult a professional. Trying to do-it-yourself can be a potential hazard besides risking damaging the units.

An expert is also ideal when the plumbing required is internal. Some of the plumbing problems you identify in your house are an indication of an internal problem. Your plumber will know the utility lines or walls to remove for effective fixing.

Sewer Repairs

Sewer repairs are exclusively for professionals. If you have an underground sewer that’s malfunctioning, avoid any attempts to make any repairs as you might escalate the damages. What’s more, sewer repairs are some of the most hazardous jobs so you really should avoid them.

If there’s a clog, collapse, or root infiltration, expert attention is necessary. You’ll save money and protect your household.

The Approach to Plumbing Repair Often Depends on the Type and Extent of the Damage

DIY plumbing is a great way for homeowners to save some dollars. If the problem at hand is simple, you wouldn’t need to call in an expert. However, some projects are better left to the professionals who have years of experience in plumbing repair.

Before delving into a repair, confirm the complexity of the task ahead and any possible risks. Your analysis will help determine if you can do it yourself.

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