Travelling to Thailand? Don’t forget to bring these items!


If you’re travelling to Thailand, there’s some stuff you shouldn’t forget to bring with you. Of course, you want to pack your bags as efficiently as possible, especially if you’re going backpacking, but there are certain items you don’t want to forget. And don’t worry, if you forget to bring one of these items to your destination, you can buy most of them in Thailand as well.

1. Passport, wallet and phone

Sure, you should bring these items anywhere you’re going to on vacation, including Thailand. You don’t want to forget these items and you should keep them close to you at all times. Also, bring copies of your passport and travel and esurance papers.

2. Medication

You can buy medication like pain killers in Thailand as well, but looking for them when you need them, won’t be fun. So make sure to bring the right medication with you.

3. The right clothing

The temperatures in Thailand are pretty high, so bring clothes that you would wear at home in hot weather. But, remember that it’s not appreciated if you wear very short shorts or a crop top when visiting religious places for example. It’s also a smart idea to bring some long pants and shirts with long sleeves against the mosquitoes. Are you going into the mountains? Then bring a sweater as well, because it can get pretty cold.

4. Extra passport photos

It’s smart to bring some extra photos in case you lose your passport or need to get a visa for travelling to Laos or Cambodia.

5. First aid kit

Always important: a small first aid kit. You don’t need to be your own doctor, but it’s smart to have some stuff like tweezers, alcohol swabs, bandages, gauze pads, medical tape and pain relievers with you.

6. Products that contain DEET

There are many mosquitoes in Thailand and some of them carry malaria. So make sure you protect yourself against mosquito bites; products with DEET will help a lot!

7. Protection from the sun

Of course, the sun is shining a lot in Thailand. So make sure you protect yourself from it and prevent sunburning. Bring sunscreen with a high SPF, sunglasses and a hat.

8. Fun stuff!

Besides all this necessary stuff to keep you safe and comfortable, you shouldn’t forget to bring some fun stuff, if it still fits into your suitcase of backpack. We recommend customized items; they are easy to recognize and fun to have. There are many companies that make custom printings on different items. An example of this is the Dutch company A company like this prints logos and texts on items like frisbees, hand held fans, flip flops (Dutch: slippers), beach balls (Dutch: strandballen) and sunglasses. These kind of items are really nice to bring to your holiday in Thailand and share with your friends or new people you meet!

We wish you a great holiday in Thailand. Enjoy!


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