4 Incredible Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater for Savvy Homeowners

benefits of a tankless water heater

Have you been using the same water heater in your home for more than ten years now? If so, there’s a good chance that it’s going to need to be replaced soon.

And when you replace it, you should strongly consider going with a tankless water heater as opposed to a traditional water heater with a tank. There are so many benefits of a tankless water heater.

Here are four benefits of a tankless water heater that you’ll enjoy when you have one installed in your home.

1. Takes Up Very Little Space

The first thing you’ll notice when you have a tankless water heater installed in your home is that it’ll take up a lot less space than a water heater with a tank.

In fact, most tankless water heaters can be mounted right on a wall so that they don’t cut into the square footage of your home. You’ll love how much space you’re able to save with this type of water heater.

2. Uses a Limited Amount of Energy

Have your home’s energy bills been too high as of late? One of the biggest benefits of a tankless water heater is that it’ll help bring your energy costs back down to earth.

Tankless water heaters only produce hot water as you need it. This will trim your energy bills quite a bit every month and reduce your home’s carbon footprint over time.

3. Provides Hot Water on Demand

Is there anything worse than climbing into the shower and realizing that your home is temporarily all out of hot water? It’ll force you to either take a cold shower or sit around and wait for your traditional water heater to produce more hot water.

You won’t run into this problem with a tankless water heater. It has the ability to create hot water on demand for you, which means you won’t ever have to subject yourself to a cold shower or sit around and wait for hot water again.

4. Lasts for a Long Time

As we mentioned a few moments ago, a traditional water heater is only going to last you about ten years or so before it’ll need to be replaced. But tankless water heater lifespan is much more.

Most tankless water heaters are designed to last for more than 20 years before they’ll need to be replaced. In some cases, they’ll last for well over twice as long as a traditional water heater.

You may have to pay a little bit more for a tankless water heater on the front end. But it’ll be well worth it when your water heater is still kicking 20 years later.

Start Taking Advantage of the Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater Today

Have you been thinking about having a tankless water heater installed in your home? As you can see, there are so many benefits of a tankless water heater that you’ll get to enjoy when you do it.

Keep these tankless water heater benefits in mind the next time you need to install a new water heater. They’ll help guide you in the right direction when buying a water heater.

Find out more about tankless water heaters by browsing through the other articles posted on our blog.


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