7 Client Communication Tips Every Cannabis Company Should Know

client communication

As more states legalize recreational cannabis, the number of dispensaries is increasing rapidly. Your dispensary needs to offer something to your customers that your competition doesn’t.

The special thing you can provide is effective client communication. Providing useful and relevant information is crucial to gaining return customers.

The way you communicate with cannabis customers is important. Cannabis consumers have money to spend. If you keep them engaged with your story and your cannabis company you’ll get them to come back to you the next time they need to stock up.

If you’re not sure the best way to engage with your customers, check out these 7 tips for effective communication.

Tell Your Story

Be authentic. Cannabis consumers want to know what makes your dispensary unique and real. Don’t try to overhype your dispensary. You’ll come across as fake and your customers will go looking for a new shop.

Don’t Overshare

Your clients want to hear what you have to say but you don’t need to tell them every little thing that’s happening. Give them updates on new products, special offers, and in-store education programs. Share your own part in the dispensary’s story. But also give them space.


Follow the rules for emailing people. You must have their explicit agreement to send them emails. When you have that, make sure your emails aren’t just selling products. Include content that tells your cannabis clients more about the dispensary and its employees, for example.

Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and SnapChat are all great tools to use to ramp up your client communication. Each platform has a sweet spot for customer demographics. Make sure you use the right one to reach the people who visit your dispensary. Social media is even more cautious of the hard sell.


You’ll be getting cell phone numbers as part of your sign-up process. A special offer to clients through a text can seem more intimate and personal. One targeted text message campaign could increase daily income by 10 percent.

Create Loyalty

With cannabis consumers spending on average $650 a month on products at dispensaries you want them to keep coming back to yours. Set up regular special offers that customers can count on. 4/20 and Weed Wednesdays are obvious, but get creative. Provide education sessions in your store to grab new customers and make them feel loyal to you.

Use Holidays to Boost Sales

Cannabis clients share similarities with other retail consumers. One of those is holiday purchasing. Communicate with your customers around major holidays. People expect to hear from companies offering them special offers when holidays are on the horizon. Take advantage of the calendar!

Your Dispensary Benefits From Improved Client Communication

Using these tips will improve your client communication and your cannabis customers will appreciate it.

Remember to tell your story in a way that’s believable and real. Your customers want to know what’s happening at your dispensary. Keep them in the loop and they’ll keep coming in.

One bonus tip for you: use conference call services. These calls should be educational and open. Give your customers the chance to listen in to a session on best rolling methods, for example.

Enjoy communicating with your customers. It will help your business succeed.


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