Super Sensitive? 4 Dental Treatments That Can Help Alleviate Tooth Sensitivity

Super Sensitive? 4 Dental Treatments That Can Help Alleviate Tooth Sensitivity

Last Updated on October 14, 2019

Tooth sensitivity is one of the leading dental ailments in the world. If you suffer from this condition, then you’ve probably spent a fortune already on special toothpaste and other dental products that claim to alleviate the symptoms to no avail. You still can’t eat ice cream and cold beverages send you running for the hills.

If you’re tired of wasting valuable time and money on ineffective treatments, perhaps it’s time to consider an alternative. Here are four top dental treatments that have been proven to effectively heal tooth sensitivity:

1. Disclusion Time Reduction (DTR)

Tooth sensitivity implies that the teeth are chronically inflamed. This can happen for a number of reasons, from brushing too hard to teeth grinding, plaque build-up, poorly inserted porcelain veneers and even teeth grinding. This creates an imbalance where nervous tissue feeds on your teeth causing a chronic inflammatory response. This is expressed through the symptom of chronic tooth sensitivity.

The DTR treatment comprises a T-scan and BioEMG analysis which helps to alleviate chronic inflammation in the teeth. It primarily works by changing the amount of force that the teeth generate over time through small, computerized bite changes.

2. Surgical gum graft

Tooth sensitivity can also be caused by gum tissue erosion from the root. Through the surgical gum graft procedure, a tiny amount of gum tissue can be taken from a healthy part of your mouth to replace the eroded area. This procedure creates a shield over the exposed roots to effectively minimize tooth sensitivity.

3. Fluoride

Fluoride treatment can also be effective at reducing tooth sensitivity. It’s a simple and quick procedure that involves applying the required amount of fluoride onto the affected area. Fluoride helps to strengthen tooth enamel so it can withstand daily wear and tear while reducing sensitivity. Afterward, your dentist might recommend a fluoride prescription for you to take at home. You’ll need to apply it through a custom tray and it’s a fairly straightforward process.

4. Root canal

If your tooth sensitivity is so extreme that you can no longer eat or drink anything hot or cold without feeling pain, then a root canal is in order. Through this procedure, your dentist will use specialized tools and equipment to remove the dental pulp from the tooth’s softcore. This is usually a final resort and it’s recommended when all else fails. But, it’s almost always effective at eliminating tooth sensitivity.

Tips on how to prevent tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity can recur if you don’t take care of your teeth properly. Here are some helpful tips that you can apply to prevent this:

  • Practice proper dental hygiene: We all know what to do here. Brush your teeth twice daily, floss every day, and use gentle strokes.
  • Instead of your trusty, abrasive toothbrush, use a soft-bristled one instead.
  • Swap your grainy toothpaste with smooth fluoride toothpaste instead.
  • If you struggle with grinding your teeth, consider using a mouthguard. This can go a long way to prevent tooth sensitivity and fractures.
  • Try and reduce your intake of acidic foods and drinks, e.g. citrus fruits, carbonated drinks, wine, etc. if you’re going to consume anything acidic, balance it out with water and always use a straw.

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy ice cream, chewing gum and candy due to tooth sensitivity. Now you know what to do to treat and prevent the condition. Life is too short. Take action today and say goodbye to tooth sensitivity for good.

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