Forget FOMO: Cool Hobbies for Fun and Fearless People

Forget FOMO: Cool Hobbies for Fun and Fearless People

Last Updated on August 16, 2019

Everybody needs a hobby. Cool hobbies keep us entertained, excited, and enthusiastic about life.

Some people continue hobbies they had as children into adulthood, but others find that they outgrew those things somewhere along the way, and need new ideas and new things to focus on later in life.

Cool Hobbies Can Change Your Life

Where should you start? Many people just give up on finding something new and end up throwing themselves on the couch after work and on weekends for yet another consecutive night of mindless television.

There are so many great activities out there to do. There are hundreds of new skills you can learn. When you find the right one, it can soon become your passion.

Hobbies can give your life a new direction and can build your confidence and overall enjoyment of your days. In some cases, they can lead you to new opportunities or connect you with great people that you never would have met otherwise.

Read on to learn about some cool hobbies you may never have even considered before. Try one or a few. Soon, your nights and weekends will be full of fun and learning, and you’ll feel like you have a whole new lease on life.

Cool Hobbies for Bored Adults

There are so many different hobbies out there! Finding ideas for cool hobbies can be accomplished with a simple internet search, or by asking your friends what they are into. Check out these cool hobbies for some starter ideas.


Everybody enjoys taking photos, so why not go a step further and invest in a good camera? Learning photo editing is easy and rewarding, and soon you will have high-quality portraits, landscapes, and still lifes in your portfolio to frame or share on social media.

Sports Betting

Perhaps you played sports in your youth, but now you are more of a spectator. You can get more involved in sports by participating in sports betting.

Sites like Unibet make this hobby accessible to anyone anywhere, and once you hone your skills, you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.

Fiber Arts

There are so many things you can make with fabric, yarn, needles, and thread. The possibilities are endless, and many sewing or knitting projects will keep you busy for months. You can learn a wide variety of techniques or join clubs for tips and camaraderie.

When your projects are complete, you can keep them for yourself or give them away as gifts.

Playing an Instrument

The world of music is vast and wonderful. If you took lessons as a kid but let them lapse as you got busier, there’s no time like the present to start again.

Or, if there’s an instrument you’ve always wanted to learn to play, it’s time to begin. You can take formal lessons or learn independently by using internet teachers.

Homebrewing or Winemaking

There’s a whole subculture of homebrewers and winemakers and this is a cool hobby you can enjoy from start to finish. Many people who make these tasty beverages also join clubs to swap their creations, making new friends in the process, too.

International Cooking

Every country has its own flavors and cooking styles, and you can learn about them and the cultures they represent through attempting international cooking recipes and techniques. Plus, you and your family will get to enjoy the fruits of your labors – yum!

Competitive Sports

There are so many sports out there to try, so why not try one you never played before? There are all sorts of leagues available to you at a variety of skill levels.

Further, you can fill your days in the offseason working out and building agility, endurance and strength for competitions down the road.

Happy Hobbying

Even if none of the above interests you, hopefully, these ideas have inspired you to get up off the couch and start trying new things.  Cool hobbies are rewarding and fun and will open doors to you that you never imagined before. Good luck and happy hobbying!

If you crave more cool hobby inspiration, check out our For the Home and Lifestyle sections.