Going Vintage On A Budget

Going Vintage On A Budget

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Sometimes, interior design isn’t all that fun. I mean, you’ve put the wallpaper on the walls, and you had fun choosing a new kitchen to install, but by this point, you’ve depleted your budget pretty severely, and you’ve still got the furniture to buy. Decorating your home is supposed to be fun, but the sheer choice of vintage items when it comes down to it can be overwhelming. An old style of decorating your home is designed to create a warmth that your home may not have had previously.

Not only that, but it’s going to ping you back to a time of total nostalgia. It’s not all country looks and chintzy fabrics these days, vintage is now something you can combine with a fresh look supported with charm from the past. The question is where you can find the right vintage furniture for your home while you’re on a budget. So, let’s take a look at some of the places that you can find vintage furniture and accessories while you furnish your home:

Ask Your Parents, Grandparents & Older Friends

Ah, family ties. You can shop online at Eames.com all you like, but you may find members of your own family provide the best vintage options. Head to your grandmother’s house and ask whether she has any older furniture that she is looking to get rid of; she may bite your hand off at the chance!

Garage Sales

Is your neighborhood full of older homes? You may well be able to head to local garage and yard sales to pick up some vintage home accessories such as lamps and end tables. Not only can you get some interesting items for your house, you’ll get them at bargain prices that’ll suit your budget down to the ground. It’s hard to find dirt cheap home decor items, but with yard sales, this is what you can get!


There are plenty of auctions that are held all the time, so check out the local calendar that your council has on their website. Plenty of abandoned and empty homes often end up on auction lists, and plenty of people with attics stuffed full of old things love an auction. You’ll get some stunningly unique pieces for your house while literally being able to choose the budget you have.

Thrift Stores

Goodwill may not be the place you think of when you think of buying vintage items but don’t discount it. Not only do you get to be picky about what you buy, but you can also spend time poring through the items on sale to find the differences between junk and vintage options. You’ll save a ton of cash at a thrift store, and you could decorate your whole house at a fraction of your budget.

Are you buying vintage on a budget? Not always easy, but it can be done if you know where to look. Go online, search the charity stores, and ask around; you never know what amazing pieces you’ll get!


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