When you are a business owner, attracting clients to your product or service is an everyday part of life. You may spend a large portion of your budget on advertising to get your brand out there, but what happens when you’ve hooked the target and are trying to reel them in?
Part of the client experience is in helping them to see that your business is the one they want to use for their needs, amongst the many others who may offer the same service. To do this, you can’t simply focus on advertising and marketing your brand. You need to create an experience they will never forget, both while they are considering your company and as an ongoing client.
How do you go over and above other companies to do this? Here are 10 prestigious ideas that major businesses often use to treat their customers to an unforgettable client experience.
10 Over-and-Above Ideas to Impress Your Clients
1. Use the science of psychology to understand your clients before you meet with them.
No, that does not mean stalk them, but when your clients are interested in meeting with you, or after they have, there are a few questions that you can intersperse with the basic paperwork/ meet and greet that will help you build a solid customer profile.
When you understand the science of personalities, especially in network marketing, you can speak the language that your client talks. For instance, if they are looking to help others, you would not focus on how they can make money, and vice versa.
Take some time to compile a profile of each client. Include their demographics, goals, needs, and concerns. Continue to consistently touch base and see how each of these areas is growing or which of them needs more focus to keep your client loyal to you instead of looking for others to provide the same service.
2. Design an individualized client experience.
Depending on your business, your client’s experience should not be a one-size-fits-all blanket service. If they want that, they can go to Walmart, Amazon, or any other online retailer. They want a unique plan, so they are coming to you.
Talk to them about their goals and needs and then work together to create a plan that is specific to them. They will feel that you understand them better and that you are treating them as though they are important, and that inspires loyalty.
3. Make your special clients feel exclusive.
Going over-and-above for clients who have proven their loyalty to you is important. Give them access to products or services that other clients don’t have, such as new features, and allow them early purchasing access. Whatever you do, don’t tell them they are getting something exclusive and then allow other clients to have it unless you have specifically said that a small, elite group is receiving the opportunity.
4. Provide the extra selfless touch.
Things are easily replaceable. For your prestigious clients, things are probably even disposable. But your time is something that can’t be recouped or written off on your tax form, and that makes it the best gift you can give.
When you know that your client has a need that you can provide through a selfless act, without spending money or receiving anything in return, take a little extra time out of your schedule and just do it.
5. Give them luxury services.
When you create an experience that begins and ends with a tailored, luxury experience from start to finish, you are making an impression that won’t be easily forgotten. This website is a great example of how to set your client up with impressive travel arrangements, unique events and experiences, and accommodations that will impress even the most jaded of guests.
6. Personalize your services.
Once you get to know your clients’ likes and dislikes through communication and their purchases, you can do the work for them. With personal touches, you can improve your sales and your relationship with each client, treating them individually and making their lives simpler with the convenience of your personalized touch.
7. Make sure they know they are appreciated.
In the fast-paced world of business today, it’s easy to misplace a simple “thank you.” But more important than having your assistant send flowers or tickets to a game or play is a hand-written thank you card. These old-fashioned notes are still in style and make a significant impact in ensuring client loyalty.
8. Pay attention to potential problems.
If you are neglecting your client’s ongoing care, it’s easy to be hit with problems when it is too late to do anything about them. By staying in communication, your client will feel more secure coming to you with concerns before they become issues that make them turn to another business for their services.
9. Recognize others in the process.
Yes, the client is your most important person, but there are others who had a role in the selection and ultimate purchase, too. Recognize the assistants and other members who may not have been your face-to-face customer but were important nonetheless in choosing your company.
10. Exceed all expectations.
Whatever your business’s niche is, thoroughly evaluate others in your field and see what they offer their clients. Go over and above that, so that any client who works with you will be spoiled. Other businesses won’t be able to tempt them to leave your services because they won’t offer the level of care that you do.
Make Your Motto “Over-and-Above”
By offering prestigious client experiences, individual touches, and personal conveniences, you are building a loyal customer base that will stick with you in the long run. These clients will not leave you and will bring in free word-of-mouth advertising because they trust you and love what you offer.
From there, you’ll be able to spend more time creating a solid service or product and enjoying your life and less time marketing to bring in new customers. Prestigious care pays for itself multiple times over.