Last Updated on July 24, 2020
What is CBD
Cannabidiol is a compound that occurs naturally in the cannabis plant. Many people have been using various parts of the plant for years now because of the medicinal value. CBD is a non-addictive compound extracted from the plant and can be used to induce a calm feeling to a person without him/her having to get high. This is ideal for people who are aware of the benefits of products from the cannabis plant and want to use these products without experiencing the psychoactive effects. It also a preferred option for those who are looking for a medication that does not later affects them. However, doctors argue that in some cases, people who have been using Tylenol or Advil for a while are likely to feel high when they use CBD products for the first time.
There are two species of the cannabis plant. These are marijuana and hemp. Medical marijuana involves the use of parts of the plant to manage certain conditions and in the treatment of some diseases. CBD can be found in both species. However, hemp is the preferred source of CBD because it a very high percentage of CBD and is low on THC compared to marijuana which has very high levels of THC and low levels of CBD. The seeds of a hemp plant produce hemp oil which is used as a beauty product because it acts as a moisturizer. Hemp oil contains neither THC nor CBD.
How is CBD beneficial to your health
Epidiolex is an approved CBD medication that is used in the treatment of epilepsy. A good number of people also claim that CBD has been helpful when dealing with osteoarthritis and chronic back pain.
Some doctors argue that, in order to relieve either of the two types of pain (nerve and musculoskeletal), one has to add a little amount of THC in the CBD medication for it to work effectively. However, it may be difficult to access THC because of the regulations. CBD can be bought over the counter but where it is still illegal, you will need to have a prescription to get THC. One major problem that most people have is that they do not know the right dose of CBD to take. The amount that a person takes may not be enough to effectively relieve another person’s pain.
CBD can also be used to manage anxiety as it calms down the nervous system. Extensive research done in the United States shows that apart from depression and inflammation, other conditions that CBD can be used to manage include disorders in the gut, skin diseases like acne, PTSD, ADHD, atherosclerosis and even metabolic syndromes like obesity and diabetes.
Scientists are still trying to figure out whether or not CBD can be used to manage cancer.
In the body, CBD attaches itself to CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system that are found inside the body. CB1 receptors are located primarily inside the brain while CB2 receptors are found in organs that are linked to the body’s immune system.
How to take CBD
There are different ways of taking CBD including ingesting and applying ointment or CBD oil spray on joints and muscles. All the available methods work well, however, they differ in how long the CBD takes to kick in and how long you will feel its effect. When using a vape pen, the feeling kicks in after approximately ten minutes but it does not last long, lasting for only 2 hours. Tinctures and CBD gummies are also means of taking CBD. When using tinctures, CBD takes effect after two hours and the feeling can last up to five hours.
There have been a number of reported cases on the effects of using CBD products. Some of the CBD oil side effects include drowsiness, appetite change, dryness in the mouth and diarrhea.
There are no set regulations on CBD hence its quality cannot be controlled. It is rather important that you purchase CBD oil from trusted suppliers whose products are tested by a third party so that the product you are buying is of good quality and does not contain traces of THC. In addition, you have to ascertain whether hemp is legal in your region or not.
Due to the absence of THC in CBD, it does not show up when your blood or urine sample is tested for drugs. Some of the products can also be used on pets like dogs and can help manage conditions like anxiety.
When purchasing CBD products, it is crucial to take note of a couple of details. You should make sure that the product is from a farm that has been certified to grow the hemp plant by GMP. Also, check for the method of extraction to ascertain that chemicals were not used and remember to buy products that have undergone quality testing by a third party.