Absolute Essentials: The Only 8 Things A Mom Need For A Baby!

Absolute Essentials: The Only 8 Things A Mom Need For A Baby!

When it comes to babies, even the most rational and level-headed people can succumb to different nagging fears. I don’t need this piece for my child, what I needed the most and if I had ABC in hand, parenting would be easy, and the list goes on.

However, it doesn’t have to be like that!

While your friends and family will always be a quick chime to handover the list of things you would need when the baby arrives, not all are necessary. There is also a lot you can learn from babygoss buying guides when searching for certain baby products. If the waves of motherhood (and panic) are giving butterflies in your stomach as well, and you are clueless about what to have or not, here’s the compiled list of baby essentials that you can’t miss:

Feeding Supplies:

First, decide whether you will bottle feed or breastfeed, and then purchase the products. If you bottle feed, you will only need bottles and formula. However, if you breastfeed, you will need nipple cream, nursing pads, a breast pump and more.


If you think you have stocked a complete store of diapers, don’t worry, you will need more.

Or maybe even more than that.

Baby’s diapers are one of the essential things to ensure your little munchkin’s bum stays clean and dry. Also, it should make them feel comfortable and free from diaper rash. You can either pick the “green option” of using cloth diapers or choose the disposable ones.

*Note: Expect yourself to be a diaper-slinging pro, as newborns soil more than 10 diapers a day!

Baby’s Swaddlers:

Let’s face it; a baby is being swaddled a lot! So, give your little one snug, soothing and familiar feeling of being in mama’s womb through swaddling. Besides, it makes a baby feel safe and if done appropriately, can make the little one fall asleep for longer periods of time.

Layettes and clothing:

Babies are cute, and so are their cute little clothes; you can easily blow your entire baby-shopping budget on cute shoes and their tiny rompers. However, there are basic clothes that you have to have in your newborn’s clothing closet.

Have layettes, season-based clothes, home-going outfits, pajamas, vests, bodysuits, socks and booties, and more from a baby store or you can also get some of the best free baby stuff online with ease. Opt for large sizes and do not over the shop. Also, check for snaps, buttons, and tags that might scratch your infant’s skin.


Normal laundry detergents contain chemical and fragrances that can cause skin irritation to a baby. So, get a fragrance-free and chemical-free, hypoallergenic laundry detergent to wash baby’s clothes.

Baby’s Bathtub:

While shopping for a baby tub sounds like a simple thing, once you are in a store full of bathtubs of different size and features, it becomes one of the most confusing tasks. Different types of baby bathtubs are:

  • Standard Tub: It’s a simple, plastic made tub featuring a contoured design to keep infants sitting in an upright position.
  • Convertible Tubs: This tub’s designed to grow with your baby, as they come with adjustable positions to make adjustments with the baby’s growth.
  • Foldable Tubs: These tubs are compact, foldable and lightweight. If you are planning to pick this one up, make sure it’s leak-proof and sturdy.
  • Inflatable Tubs: Inflatable tubs make perfect space savers and can be folded easily.
  • Luxury Tubs: These are spa-like bathtubs that offer a luxurious bath to the baby. They are often battery operated and are more expensive than other tabs.

A Car Seat:

A car seat is a must if you want to take your infant from the hospital; or else nurses won’t let you leave the place. Infant buckets or baby car seats get snapped into the base of the car and also feature a handle to bring them out.

Co-Sleepers Or Cribs:

You will need a co-sleeper if your baby sleeps with you. You can also have a cute little crib, Moses baskets or bassinet.

Now that you know what you really need for the baby and what you can miss from the list, get set shopping!


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