Last Updated on July 3, 2018
In that never-ending quest for beauty and eternal youth, it seems everyone is opting for cosmetic dentistry. Indeed, with each passing day, cosmetic dental surgery moves closer to the forefront of pop-culture. Many people are choosing to utilize various dental makeover procedures to improve their smile and overall appearance.
The primary focus of dental professionals is to enhance their patients’ smile, cosmetic dentistry allows dentists to do the very same thing but on a much larger scale. The fact that cosmetic dentistry makes bright and beautiful smiles so accessible to consumers and that it is relatively affordable means that this type of dental work will continue growing in popularity.
Damaged Teeth Can Harm Self-Worth
In today’s society, appearance is everything. Some people are fortunate that they have a great smile and good dental health, but others aren’t so lucky. Why? Damaged and bad looking teeth can not only affect your self-esteem and self-image around others but let’s face it – bad teeth can also limit one’s professional opportunities.
Stained teeth, missing or crooked teeth can affect even prevent a person from smiling. But the good news is cosmetic dentistry can solve the issue in many different ways; chief among them is removing unsightly oral imperfections through the surgical process.
Who Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help
The mouth is of the first things is the first thing people see, this is especially true if it’s your first time meeting. And remember, the first impression is made during her/his first appearance. Having damaged or unattractive teeth can give someone a false idea or judgment about your personality and can affect more on your confidence level. As such, cosmetic dentistry is a go-to solution to many with imperfect smiles.
No matter your age, whether you’re a young child, a mid-age corporate executive or even stay at home mom or dad; cosmetic dentistry can help improve your dental health and emotional well-being. Teeth that have been discolored deeply can be whitened through cosmetic options. Most of the dental defects can be easily corrected with cosmetic dentistry.
The procedure can even reduce the signs of aging and leave the patients with more youthful and vibrant appearance. Likewise, it can also repair dental damage that caused by infection, genetics, illness or developmental abnormalities. Disfiguration of the teeth can also be re-set through the process.
Types of Cosmetic Dental Procedures
There are fifteen types of cosmetic dentistry are available today:
•  Bite Reclamation
•  Dental Bonding
•  Dental Braces
•  Dental Bridges
•  Dental Crowns
•  Dentures
•  Enamel Contouring and Shaping
•  Inlays/Onlays or indirect fillings
•  Gum Grafts
•  Teeth implants
•  Dental Veneers
•  Repairing crooked teeth
•  Teeth Whitening
The current condition of your teeth versus the desired result will determine which cosmetic dentistry option is right for you. Your dentist will help you to decide by answering any questions you might want to ask. These are questions like, what you can expect through the course of the treatment, what changes will take place and what type of maintenance is required and even whether the surgery is painful or not.