Gardening Tips for People Who Lack the Green Finger

Gardening Tips for People Who Lack the Green Finger

Last Updated on February 26, 2018

Not everyone is born with the green fingers to make them a dab-hand in the garden. For some, it just seems to come so easily, whereas other people tend to struggle. No matter, because gardening isn’t that difficult, and you get plenty of Vitamin D when you’re outdoors catching the occasional bit of sunshine too. You just need to be willing to continuously learn new things while not scolding yourself for making obvious mistakes along the way; mistakes are an integral part of the learning process.

To get you started on the right foot, here are a handful of gardening tips to make life a bit easier for yourself when getting started.

Choose Practical & Fast to Grow

When starting out, you want to build some confidence that you can grow something from a seed/seedling to a flower or a vegetable. One of the best things to do is grow salad leaves. These are fast to plant and can be a mixture of interesting colours and textures that are eye-catching. The best thing though is that they’re ready to harvest in only three weeks.

Once successfully grown, they can grow once more and be ready in three more weeks. When growing enough salad plants, all your salad needs are taken care of without having to buy expensive bags of pre-cut salad leaves from the British supermarket. Furthermore, successfully completing the first harvest provides the confidence to try other vegetables and some fruits that grow well in the UK too.

Pick Cool Weather Produce

Another way to make your gardening work better for you is to pick a crop that grows well in cooler weather. Peas are a good choice because they’re a regular staple of most UK diets, can be planted into the soil without special compost needed, and will be ready in the summer months beginning in June.

The short growth period of only four months is a good next step up from a few weeks where you’ll now have enough confidence to wait for the growth and harvest period to come. To help the peas grow correctly, you do need to add some support for the stems by using some light netting or wire to provide upright support to allow them to grow like Jack and the Beanstalk. Once picked, the peas will produce another crop providing great value for the cost of the seeds, water and support system used.

Make Garden Trimming More Pleasant

Using a pair of garden shears isn’t fun and feels a little unsafe when you haven’t used them before. There’s always the risk that you’ll get a little overzealous and cut through the plant stems by mistake. A good way to avoid having to bend over using the shears and give yourself back pain later is to use the electric grass trimmer from VonHaus as this piece of equipment lets you work it from a standing position.

Strimming is performed using a plastic strimmer that is whipped forward and back slicing blades of grass in its path. There’s a guard at the front to avoid cutting grass and accidentally hitting the plant behind it too. For beginners, this avoids losing a plant that you’ve been cultivating for months.

When starting out in the garden, you want to use tools that make life easier for you. It’s also a good plan to plant vegetables or plants that grow reasonably fast and that you’ll be pleased with when they have grown to full height or are ready to harvest. This delivers a feel-good factor that will encourage you to continue developing more of a green finger in the future.