Last Updated on December 11, 2017
Mold is a type of fungus, many of which are found indoors outdoors depending on the conditions. They thrive best in warm humid environments. The common types of molds found indoors include Cladosporium, Alterneria, Penicillium and Aspergillus.
Stachybotrys chartarum is another type of mold, though it is not so common. Normally, people refer to it as black mold due to its greenish-black appearance. It is found on household surfaces having high cellulose content like gypsum board, paper, dust and fiberboards. Notably, the mold itself is not poisonous but that doesn’t let it off the hook yet. It produces irritating substances that might act as allergens, thereby affecting sensitive individuals. Black mold also produces mycotoxin, which is poisonous in nature.
Long term exposure to toxins produced by black mold can result in a number of health concerns. One can get exposed to black mold when at home or at work. In particular, farmers exposed to moldy hay can develop serious health conditions along the way. If you are experiencing some of the symptoms highlighted below, you might be working or living in close proximity to black mold. However, each of the symptoms can be caused by other things.
Most people exposed to black mold experience skin tenderness, itching and general rash. Some people experience a numbing or tingling effect on their skin. Occasional use of ointments can control these effects. However, they are more likely to come back until the mold is dealt with.
Respiratory problems
The toxins produced by black mold are known to cause breathing-related issues. People who have been exposed to black mold might experience chronic sneezing, shortness of breath, occasional coughing and sinus congestion. These symptoms are simple indications that the body is fighting off unseen airborne substances.
Constant headache and general weakness
Exposure to black mold normally results in dull headaches that do not seem to go away. Most of the affected people also suffer from sensitivity to light. Observably, one is also more likely to experience persistent fatigue when having headaches as a result of mold exposure.
Irritation of the mucous membrane
A runny nose is a common symptom of black mold exposure. The affected person might also experience redness of the eyes, sore throat and other issues affecting the mucous membrane.
What should you do about molds?
Upon detecting the highlighted symptoms, you should set out to investigate the possibility of mold infestation where you live or work. Doing so on your own might not yield significant outcomes. Even if you find them, effective elimination of molds requires professional remediation service. The professionals will inspect and handle the molds in the most appropriate manner.
Exposure to mold is one thing that many people assume. However, the numerous health concerns it comes with make it necessary for anyone exposed to seek help from the experts. With good inspection services, it is possible to control the effects of black mold exposure. Remember, taking care of your health is a personal responsibility.