Childproof Your Home

Childproof Your Home

Last Updated on September 24, 2017

Many new parents need some time to get used to having a child. Everything needs to be adapted to the child, and that includes the house. Anything from sharp edges to dangerous chemicals to cutlery needs to be secured so that the child doesn’t injure himself.

Some people feel like this is not important and that the children are being overprotected by their parents. However, the records of children injuries in the family home are quite extensive, and what is safe for adults may be very perilous for small children.

Electrical Outlets

When children start crawling and walking, there’s another important aspect of modern living which needs to be addressed – electricity. Electrical safety is very important and should be taught not just to children, but everyone. Here’s an article with some useful resources

The simplest way to childproof your electrical grid is to use plastic caps which the child cannot remove on the outlets which are currently not in use. Even though this may be a bit tedious, the number of electrocuted each year is terrifying.

If you are forgetful and you are afraid you may forget to recap the outlet after you have stopped using it, you can install electrical outlet covers. These little plastic devices are very useful in these situations. They are spring-loaded, meaning they snap into place after you have stopped using the outlet. The spring is strong enough that a child cannot easily open it.

Chemicals Cabinet

We all have that one cabinet which we use to store all the cleaning supplies. Things like bleach and chlorine may be great for cleaning, but they are highly toxic. An adult knows not to touch these, or drink them, but a child only knows that it is something new and probably packaged in a colorful container. Seeing how they have the urge to put everything in their mouth, the catastrophe is ready to happen.

You can secure the door of the cabinet with a simple plastic stopper. Children tend to figure these out quite quickly, though. They can see you using it several times and understand the principle. There are more advanced forms of this stop, including a lock and key and a magnetic door which only opens if you have the magnet in your hand.

Secure Free-Standing Shelves

If you have free-standing bookshelves or other similar fixtures at home, chances are you will have to bolt them to the floor or the wall once your child starts walking and exploring. Even if they don’t start climbing, they might grab the shelf for support and rock it enough to topple it, or something on one of the shelves onto themselves.

They will also be tempted to reach for the things on the lower levels of the shelf, so you may want to put away any breakable things, or things your child might swallow somewhere they cannot reach it. Replace it with soft things and their toys.

Installing Gates

People tend to criticize parents who install gates to stop their children from going to certain parts of the house. However, some parts of the house can be dangerous for a child. Installing gates on staircases is probably the best way to ensure that your child doesn’t fall down them. Whether it is the basement or the second floor of your house, gates can protect the child.

Adults spend a lot of time in the kitchen. However, that room is full of things which can be dangerous for a child. Without the world knowledge, the child cannot know that the oven may be very hot, or that a knife is sharp. A gate which prevents them getting to those areas of the house is a good method of protecting them until they can learn.

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