4 Creative Date Night Ideas That Have Nothing To Do With Netflix

4 Creative Date Night Ideas That Have Nothing To Do With Netflix

Last Updated on April 24, 2020

If your ideas of date night only include getting dinner and turning Netflix on, it can get dull for you and your partner. A string of boring getaways can really cut into a relationship’s strength, but you don’t have to let it happen. Instead of taking the safe or traditional route, consider one of these out-of-the-box date night adventures. You might just find a new favorite activity for you and your loved one to enjoy.

Escape An Escape Room

The results are in: a strong relationship affects your health positively, so trying new ways to bond with your significant other can lead to a happier life. One exciting way to do it is by visiting an escape room, which pits you and a group of your choosing against a room of puzzles you can’t leave until they’re solved. Make that group two people, and you’re set. Working together to solve problems can be a great way to grow closer to your partner while having a good time flexing your minds. If you’d rather transform your home into an escape room, there are plenty of guides and instructions online to help you get started.

Visit The Aquarium

There’s a lot to discover and enjoy in an aquarium, making it another stellar date location. Aquariums offer a variety of entertainment and experience, like this aquarium that offers family fun in Fort Worth. Experience thousands of creatures from all over the world, not just the ocean—many aquariums also feature tropical and other region-themed exhibits, complete with their corresponding wildlife. Even if you and your date aren’t interested in the scientific side of marine environments, aquariums still offer plenty of atmosphere and fun activities for all ages. Many aquariums also allow booking for special events, so give your local one a look to see if it’ll make date night pop.


There’s nothing quite like helping others in need, and if you and your partner are giving types, a round of volunteer work could boost the mutual pride. Most drives and programs won’t say no to a couple, and once you get to work, you can both take comfort and peace in giving back to your community. Picking a cause meaningful to you both will help deepen your bond, no matter whether it’s the first date or years together later. A wide variety of opportunities exists, from animals to the elderly to local beautification and more, so choose one and look forward to making a difference.

Take A Class

It doesn’t cost much to learn something new, especially if you look in the right places, but learning something new with your date could be a priceless experience. You have a few options with this category: go to an actual school, or take isolated classes. The latter offers instrument, food, dancing, language, and plenty of other opportunities; some of these are popping up with more locations than ever. As for visiting an actual school, the options range from non-degree courses to seminars, public events, and the like. This is a great opportunity to spend time together and further your educations and talents.

There are plenty of options out there for a truly romantic rendezvous, day or night, and you don’t have to go too out of the way to achieve them. Dinner plus a movie is nice, but doing little else might not inspire closeness in you and the one you love. Try something creative and unexpected for your next date, and you could end up becoming that much closer to your significant other.