Minimize Your Chances Of Getting Pests At Home This Summer

ants crawling in cracks of trim

Last Updated on November 7, 2022

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As much as we love summer, there are some downfalls when it comes to our home. For one thing, it can feel like a heater during the nights meaning we have less sleep. And the sun blaring in our house can damage our furniture. But also, the chances of pests in the home can rise. After all, they thrive in warm weather, so you are more likely to get them in your home. And not only can they be a nightmare biting you, but they can also cause significant damage to your property. Therefore, here are some ways you can minimize your chances of getting pests at home this summer.

Pest-proof your pets

A lot of pests can come up in via your pets in the summer months. After all, they can easily go outside and then pick up fleas in their fur. But once they are in your home, they can lead to an infestation. After all, they start breeding and then you can end up with them all over your home. And not only can they bite, but they can also cause your home to look unsanitary. Therefore, to ensure your home stays pest-free, you must use a flea preventative on your pets in summer months. You can easily pick up a spot-on treatment which goes on the back of your pet’s neck every month. And remember if you spot one in your home, get some household spray to ensure they don’t spread!

dog watching for pests at home


Get checks done regularly at home

When it comes to pests in your home, a lot of people don’t even know they have them. After all, a lot of pests like termites are too small to spot so you might not see the damage until it’s too late. However, there are some ways you can find out about the pests before they do any significant damage to your property. For one thing, you can get a pest control company to come out and inspect your home. They know what they are looking for so they can spot signs of pests quickly. And then they can complete a treatment so that they don’t stay any longer in your home. You can look online for the best termite company to come out to your humble abode. And then you can arrange for them to come annually to ensure no pests can do any damage to your home in the future!

Block all their entries

You also need to make sure that you are not creating entries for the pests to come into your home if you want to avoid them in future. For one thing, you should put up insect screens in your windows. That way, you can open the windows in summer to get some fresh air without the bugs entering your home. Also, make sure doors are sealed so the pests can’t enter the property. And make sure that you block all gaps in your walls to stop the pests arriving and making home in these areas. Also, work on the basement and attic as these are areas that pests thrive. Once you block all the entrances, you will hopefully minimize your chances of pests this summer!

open window letting in pests at home


And remember to clean and tidy your home regularly. After all, clutter and mess can provide homes for pests like ants and dust mites.