A Home You Can Host In: Secrets Of The Perfect Spare Room

home bedding mattress lamp by bed

Last Updated on April 4, 2017

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So, you want a home you can host in? Knowing how to impress house guests isn’t easy. In fact, there’s nothing so scary as having someone new to stay. We’re thinking about daunting guests. It may be that your in-laws are coming, or that you’re hosting a distant family member. In many ways, hosting people we don’t know well is the most frightening. So, the lead up is the perfect time to tackle your spare bedroom. Here are a few things you need to remember!


It may get pricey, but it’s important you buy new bits for your guests. Once you’ve bought these, you can keep them in the guest room and use them again. Chances are, you guests won’t even use half of what you buy. But, a good host is always prepared. Stock up on new bedding. There’s no denying that a duvet set you already have would work. But, it’s good to treat your guests to fresh sheets. We can all tell the difference! Buy new towels, too. Fold them on the ends of your guest’s bed as a friendly welcome to the room. It’s also worth stocking up on new toiletries for the ensuite. Chances are, they’ll bring your own. But, you don’t want to take any risks. You don’t have to buy full-size bottles. They won’t often be used, after all. Instead, invest in travel sizes. Then, display them where your guests can see.

bathroom mirror lighting

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Talking of the ensuite; it’s important you tackle that, too. If your guest room doesn’t have a bathroom, you don’t need to worry. Simply make sure the communal bathroom is clean. If it does, though, you have some work to do. Make sure, first, to clean everything. Think about every detail, such as the floor, and behind the toilet. An unwanted clump of dust could leave the wrong impression. If the bathroom is old, it may even be worth updating. You don’t have to go for a complete renovation if you don’t want to. But, installing features such as shower screens, and new tiles can make all the difference. They’ll update the room without requiring an enormous amount of work.

flowers on back white space

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Finally, it always goes down well if you add personal touches to the guest room. Your guests have, after all, come to stay with you. If they don’t know you very well, this will be the perfect chance to show them another aspect of your personality. If you’re creative, you could make something to hang in the room. How about painting a picture? This would be a fantastic talking point. It’s also worth incorporating small things, like fresh flowers for your guest’s arrival. Flowers have a fantastic ability to freshen any room, and they’ll make a huge difference. You could even have a little fun and buy some chocolates to place on your guest’s pillows. It’ll be like staying in a top hotel, and is sure to lead to a return visit!