Last Updated on May 6, 2021
You would really think that as we get older, life would start to get easier. After all, most of us have worked all our lives, maybe had children, grandchildren even – and none of that comes easy! Of course, looking around in your old age and seeing a happy family is what most people aspire for. But unfortunately, a stress-free retirement doesn’t happen for everyone. Old age can bring on a multitude of issues that can hugely affect both your own life and your family’s life. It’s not certain that all of these things will happen to you, but as the saying goes: fail to prepare, and prepare to fail. It might be hard for you to discuss the inevitability of ageing with your family, but if you can get through that conversation it will hugely benefit everyone in the future. Plus, you could have an elderly relative who you are concerned about currently, resulting in the need to talk about old-age. Here are some of the major topics that you might need to discuss with your family, whether it is about yourself or someone else.
Lack of physical mobility
As we age, our bodies change hugely. The main reason for this is simple wear and tear – your feet have carried you every day of your life, so at some point they are going to bear some effects from that. Plus, there are some illnesses that are simply more common in older people – such as osteoporosis and strokes. As you get older, it can often be difficult to find a balance between remaining active and compare roth 401k to roth IRA healthy, and giving yourself the rest you need. Listen to your body and see a doctor if you feel anything is unusual – but also try and get 30 minutes of exercise in daily. Even a casual walk could help you stay fit and operative. If you have an elderly relative who you know is struggling with say, back or leg problems, let your family know. You may all be able to work together to give your loved one lifts to certain places. This will make sure they are not excluded from their usual activities.
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Mental deterioration
Alzheimer’s disease is something that is on the list of most people’s ultimate fears. But, it’s something we need to talk about. After all, 5.4 million Americans are currently living with some form of the disease, most who are aged 65 and older. So, even if you are years off that age yet, it may still be worth discussing with you family what to do in case you get dementia. Or, perhaps you have an older relative who is currently suffering from it. One decision a lot of families have to make is whether to put their loved one in a nursing home. If your own or your family member’s care insurance will not cover these costs, speak to a medical attorney who will be able to help you.
Writing a will
As a general rule, you need to be 18 years old in most countries in order to write a will. However, knowing what age to actually start putting one together is a whole other issue. Many people argue that you are never too young to write your will, whilst others advise that you should wait until you are mature enough and have made money. Think about whether you have a history of illness, either physical or mental, within your family. This can often help determine when you should write your will. Another example is if you become financially independent from a young age. Consider any financial assets, such as property, and if you are in any doubt