Cool Kitchen Gadgets To Turn You Into A Domestic Goddess

Cool Kitchen Gadgets To Turn You Into A Domestic Goddess
Cool Kitchen Gadgets To Turn You Into A Domestic Goddess

Last Updated on September 14, 2016

Do you dream of being the next Martha Stewart or Rachael Ray? We may not have the skillset to be a celebrity cook, but we can invest in some cool kitchen gadgets that will help us to become the domestic goddess we dream of being. Want to bake the best cakes, make the most delicious coffee and get smart with technology? Then read on to find out what you should be filling your kitchen up with. And in this instance, we don’t mean food! And follow the click for movies for foodies to inspire you in the kitchen even more!


Image credit: Pixaby

Kitchen Mixer

Do you have a lack of appliances in your kitchen? If so, the first thing you should invest in is a kitchen mixer. A stand mixer is a must-have item for baking cakes and cookies and actually even a tonne of other things. Not only do they whip, knead and mix to perfection, but choose the right mixer and you could also be using it to make smoothies and juices too. Oh, and add on some super cool attachments and you could be making pasta, ravioli and ice-cream as well. If you’re going to be using your mixer a lot, choose one with the highest amount of watts you can find. Get more tips here on how to find the ideal mixer for your kitchen.

Soup Maker

Come winter you’ll be thinking about cosy homely foods. Gorgeous soups with crusty sourdough spring to mind. Making soup can be a long process though, which is why every domestic goddess kitchen should come with a soup maker. Fresh soup tastes so much better than package bought and with a soup maker you can whip up four bowls of soup in about 25 minutes. Choose one with a sauté function so you can add onions and garlic for extra delicious flavour. A soup maker lets you throw in all your fresh veg and then choose if you want a smooth pureed soup or a more homely chunky soup. Products such as the Andrew James 7 in 1 Soup Maker also enable you to make juices, cocktails and sauces too.

Image credit: Pexels  

Coffee Maker

Who doesn’t love a really good cup of coffee in the morning? Amaze your guests with the smell of a fresh brew as they wake from their slumber. Invest in a high-quality coffee maker for the perfect cup every time. Nespresso and De’Longhi do super sleek ones and these days you can even get a coffee maker that is controlled by your smartphone too.

Image credit: Flickr

Smart Refrigerator
One of the smartest fridges to come on the market recently is the Samsung Family Hub Refrigerator. It comes complete with three cameras that takes photos every time you close the door. You can access these from your phone so you know what you have and what you need when you are at the grocery store. It also features a huge touch screen family hub that is a calendar, a notepad and a photo album. Oh yes, and with built-in speakers, you can also listen to music and watch movies on screen too. It’s a domestic goddess luxury must-have.