*Spray Painted Wine Bottles*


I love reusing household items for projects. It is always fun, easy and free! This wine bottle craft I made is one of my favorites. I took empty wine bottles, wrote words on them with my glue gun, spray painted them and added yarn to the top. They are now an adorable and modern decoration. I love how easy this was. It was fun to make, because you can choose to make it your own. Pick your color of spray paint, use yarn if you like and choose your own words to use! This would be a great idea for the Holidays. Now we all have a great reason to keep drinking wine! 

 Supplies: Hot glue gun, spray paint, empty wine bottles, yarn (optional) and scissors. 

 First, start out by writing your words onto the wine bottles. 

 Let dry and wipe away the wisps of glue on the bottles. 

 Next, spray paint each bottle your choice of color. Some make take a couple coats to cover evenly. 

 My finished spray painted wine bottles. 

You can choose to stop here or add yarn if you want.

 Using the hot glue gun, apply a dab of glue to the bottom of the neck of the wine bottle. 

 Wrap the yarn around the bottle, making sure it is tight. Secure at the top of the neck with another dab of glue and let dry.

 Ta-da, all done! 




What You Need:

  • Empty wine bottles
  • Yarn (optional) 
  • Spray Paint (your choice of colors)
  • Hot glue gun
  • Scissors 

How To Make:

  1. Using your hot glue gun, write a word onto your wine bottles. (I chose live, laugh and love)
  2. Let dry and make sure to wipe away the wispy strings of glue.
  3. In a well ventilated area, spray paint the wine bottles with your choice of colors of spray paint. 
  4. Let dry completely. They might need a couple coats to cover evenly.
  5. This step is optional. Using your hot glue gun, cut a piece of yarn and wrap around the top of the wine bottle.
  6. Let dry and enjoy!


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