Active Kids are Healthy Kids!


While we know our kids should be active, many of us are unsure of exactly how active our little ones should be. To clear up confusion, it’s generally recommended that kids over six and teens should get sixty minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise on a daily basis. This should be sufficient to keep them fit and healthy! Check out some cool gifts for kids at Funtastic Toy.

But sometimes, encouraging your kids to exercise is easier said than done. Many would rather invest their time and energy in other pursuits. This is fine. Their whole life doesn’t have to revolve around sport. But they do need to engage in some.

The good news is that it’s highly likely there’s some sort of sport out there that your kids will be interested in. You just have to make it your mission to find out what that sport is. Sometimes it’ll be a process of trial and error. Sometimes your kid will take to the first sport they try – straight off the bat!

The infographic from Cisco Athletic below shows some interesting statistics surrounding youth sports participation. While traditionally popular sports are on the fall, kids aren’t necessarily opting out of sports altogether. Instead, they’re simply showing more interest in alternative forms of exercise. Lacrosse is gaining popularity quickly. So are gymnastics and events like track and field!

Infographic Design By Cisco Athletic


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