Best Baby Cot- Tips to Select

Best Baby Cot- Tips to Select

The only time when your baby is left alone is when he or she sleeps. Thus it is crucial to select the right cot for your baby which is safe. It depends on how long you want to use the cot. If you want the one that lasts until your little one move out, then spend more. In this article, check the important tips to select the baby’s cot.

1. Cot Types

There are several designs of cots and it entirely depends on you to choose the cot. You may select the cot until your baby goes to bed or you want to have the several different cots as the baby grows. Let’s look at the different cots.

a. Moses basket is the cot having a basket woven material. There is a padded interior with adjustable stand. It’s the best for the newborn baby as it is the perfect choice for the night time feeding. It can be used for the baby up to 2-3 months old.

b. The Rocker is the cot that lasts for the longer time of around 6 months. It is smaller than the regular cot but bigger than the Moses basket cot.

c. Regular Cot

There are many styles of the regular cot but all share similar features such as easy access through the drop down side and adjustable mattress height so that when baby grows old the cot remains safe.

d. Cot beds

The Cot bed is the most economical purchase. This will last for 2-3 years old. The bed can be converted easily into bed and it is big enough that even the 5 years old can be accommodated in the cot comfortably with high safety.

e. Bedside Cots

These are adjustable cots and parents can sleep with the baby without any safety issues. One side is fully removable so that parents can join the bed and sleep whole night or can remain with the baby for the longer time even when the baby is the newborn.

2. Safety

The safety of the baby is the priority when you choose the cot for him or her. This is important as you cannot keep the eye for all the times of the day. Hence, you should look at the sides properly that it is not wider than two inches. If they are more than that then your baby has the risks for arms or legs to get stuck in it.

3. Measure before Buying

It is important to measure the cot according to your baby size. Additionally, it is also important to measure the cot that fits in your home. Many times parents don’t measure the cot and at the end, it doesn’t fit through the doors- front or bedroom.

4. Stationery or Drop Downside

When choosing the baby cot, there comes a question that whether to choose the stationery or drop-down sides. The drop down side is the one that can be easily drop down and open to taking the baby comfortably from the cot. On the other hand, stationery side cot has the permanent bars that remain intact. For the safety purposes, the drop down sided is risky. When baby grows, they can accidentally open the drop down side and fall from the cot. Thus it is important to take the stationary bars side cot.

5. Handprint test

When choosing the cot for the baby, you also buy the mattress. There are some tests to choose the right mattress. The bedding should able to survive the handprint test. It is the test in which when you push down the mattress and lift your hand up, there is a hand print on the bedding which confirms that it is soft. Soft bedding can lead to Sudden Infant death syndrome (SIDS). It is thus suggested to buy the firm mattress along with the baby cots Australia you choose.

6. Buying a Used Cot

When you decide to buy the used cot then don’t purchase the cot that is too old. It is recommended not to buy the cot having slats too far apart, screws that are missing, the mattress that doesn’t fit the cot. Teething rails should be intact and not too old that can harm your baby when he keeps it in the mouth. Older paint contains leads which are hazardous to your baby.

7. Compare prices online

You can purchase the cot from the local store or online. Don’t forget to compare the prices before buying. Read the ratings and reviews if you’re making the purchase online. When you buy online then have a close look at shipping and delivery charges. Whether you buy online or through the local store, always check the return policy if the cot doesn’t fit in your bedroom or if you change your mind to buy.

These are the few tips to select the right cot for your baby. Follow them and stay worried free when your baby sleeps at night.


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