Upgrades to Help Your Home Sell in 2018

Upgrades to Help Your Home Sell in 2018

You’ve decided to put your home on the market, but you’re worried how long it’s going to take to sell. Before you put up the “For Sale” sign, it might be beneficial to consult an inspector and designer to see if there’s anything you can do to get the best price for your home in the shortest time possible. With 2018 housing tends, they may suggest completing the following upgrades:

Open Floor Plans

Just like in the workplace, homeowners are looking for open floor plans. If you have several small rooms, see if you can knock any down to create one larger room. This is especially fruitful for common areas, such as your living room or kitchen. Another way to open up your kitchen is to remove the island (as long as you have enough cabinet space) or other large pieces that block the flow of the room. If you do need the extra storage, you can opt for a movable island so you can push it out of the way when you have parties or people coming to tour the house. The main point is that the more open space you have, the larger the room feels.

Green Improvements

The more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly your house is, the better it will sell — and for a higher price. You can do something as small as installing a Nest thermostat to help new homeowners take control of the heating and cooling of the house in a green way, or you can go as big as installing solar panels on the roof. Another green improvement is to replace all the regular windows with double-paned windows that have better insulation and cut down on heating and cooling costs. As an added bonus, you also can get some of the initial upgrade costs back in green tax credits, says This Old House.

Appealing Landscaping

Curb appeal is everything when it comes to selling your home. Your front yard should look clean, neat and inviting. If your trees and bushes are scraggly and overgrown, it’s time to trim them back so prospective buyers actually can see your house from the road. If you don’t have much going on in your yard, get out your gardening tools to spruce it up a bit. Start by planting shade trees close to the house to help with some of the cooling during the summertime. Then look for plants that are native to your area to place around the yard; look for flowers and bushes with some color to draw in buyers’ eyes to your home.

Bedroom Layout

It may seem like there’s not a whole lot you can do when it comes to upgrading a bedroom besides adding a fresh coat of paint. However, how you lay out the furniture in the bedroom can make a big difference to potential buyers. Start by making sure you have appropriately sized furniture for the room, such as having a twin mattress for a smaller room. You don’t want to take up all the open floor space with the bed, dresser and nightstand. Remove any clutter or unnecessary items as well as personal mementos to help visitors envision themselves in the space, rather than your family. Most importantly, make sure the room receives a good amount of light through the bedroom window and overhead lighting to help it feel larger and more spacious.

If you want your home to sell quickly and for a good price, you need to follow the trends of what buyers want. Work with your real estate agent and inspector to make some (or all) of these changes, and you’ll see the difference.


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