Medical Marijuana for Dummies: 2020 Edition

Medical Marijuana for Dummies: 2020 Edition

Did you know that medical marijuana is legal in 33 states?

As more states continue to legalize marijuana in 2020, having an understanding of how medical marijuana can help you treat your medical symptoms is essential. That’s what today, we’ve created complete medical marijuana for dummies guide. Keep reading to learn more!

What Is Medical Marijuana?

Medical marijuana uses a section of a marijuana plant for its chemical compounds to treat the symptoms of medical conditions. The two significant compounds inside of medical marijuana are THC and CBD.

Is there a chance that your state will legalize medical marijuana in 2020?

By having an understanding of the difference between CBD and THC for medical purposes is important. This is because knowing the differences can help you to manage your health condition.

CBD Versus THC – What’s the Difference?

A common misconception about THC and CBD is that they have the same effect on your body. A lot of people believe that because both of these chemical compounds extracted from a marijuana plant.

CBD and THC don’t have the same chemical makeup.

CBD doesn’t provide the body with any psychoactive effects. This is because CBD doesn’t combine with the cannabinoid receptors in your brain. Marijuana contains CBD diminishes the psychoactive impacts of consuming THC.

So, THC is what gets you high. Due to the psychoactive compounds, it binds with the cannabinoid receptors in your brain.

How Do You Qualify for Medical Marijuana?

If you were someone who is suffering from a severe or chronic medical condition, you might qualify for medical marijuana. After receiving traditional treatment with pharmaceutical medications, your healthcare provider has to provide you with a medical marijuana recommendation.

This acts as an ongoing treatment for your debilitating condition.
Your doctor has to complete a physical examination and document your health condition on your permanent record. After that, they can provide a written recommendation for you to receive treatment for medical marijuana.

Yet, you should be aware that a written recommendation is different than a prescription. Since marijuana is classified as a schedule one drug by the federal government, doctors are not allowed to prescribe it.

Some states have legalized medical marijuana, but your doctor still has to supply a marijuana recommendation. This is to ensure that they’re complying with the laws in your state.

A medical marijuana recommendation will allow you to buy medical marijuana from a dispensary. This written recommendation can also provide you with the ability to grow marijuana by yourself. All you need to do is ensure your cannabis cultivation follows state requirements.

The type of conditions that qualify to be treated by medical marijuana also varies by your state’s marijuana laws.

What Can You Use Medical Marijuana For?

There are many different uses for medical marijuana. Due to the active chemical compounds in cannabis, your brain receptors are altered. This changes your perception of pain and other medical symptoms.

Pain Relief

Medical cannabis has been used for pain management. When left untreated, chronic pain increases the chance of developing severe health conditions. This is because chronic pain drains the body’s ability to fight against certain diseases and impacts mental health.

While opioids are some of the most potent pain relievers on the market, they’re addictive. Not only do they increase the user’s chance of abusing the drug, but they also present a severe opportunity of overdosing.

Studies have found that medical marijuana is beneficial for relieving pain. Plus, there’s a lower chance of someone overdosing on marijuana, unlike narcotics. In patients that don’t respond well to pharmaceutical pain relievers, medical marijuana can help to relieve their chronic pain.


A type of chronic brain disease, epilepsy, is debilitating. When the brain misconduct electrical currents, a patient has a seizure. Sometimes, the seizures come without any warning and can last up to five minutes.

Not only does this present a physical danger to a person who has epilepsy, but they can also increase the chances of brain damage. The chemical compounds in CBD and THC help reduce the frequency, as well as the length of epileptic episodes.


For people that are undergoing chemotherapy, nausea is often a common side effect. The chemical compounds of medical marijuana help to stimulate appetite. And individuals undergoing chemotherapy, they may feel too sick to eat or struggle to hold down their food.

Introducing medical marijuana to a patient that fits this description helps to make providing them with essential nutrition easier.

Cancer Treatment

There have been some studies that have shown that medical marijuana has helped to shrink the growth of tumors. Doctors have found that medical marijuana also helps to slow the spread of cancer cells, making it easier to manage cancer treatments.

Plus, it makes them more comfortable and gives them the strength to fight against cancer. Medical marijuana can also help to reduce the pain that cancer patients feel as they’re undergoing chemotherapy.

Medical Marijuana for Dummies

We hope that this guide to medical marijuana for dummies has helped you to grasp a better understanding of what you can do when your state legalizes medical cannabis in 2020. Knowing all the beneficial aspects of medical marijuana can help you to get your health back on track.

When your state legalizes medical marijuana, talk to your doctor for a recommendation.

Are you interested in learning more about medical marijuana and it’s health boost and capabilities? Check out our blog today for more!


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