9 Hacks to Make Cleaning Your Home Easier

Cleaning Your Home Easier

For most of us, keeping our homes clean is one of the most boring and sometimes even the most stressful tasks that we have to do. Although it’s necessary, most of us could probably think of something else that we’d prefer to do at the time. Many people only start doing the cleaning when they realize that they’ve let the mess and dirt build up a little bit too much. However, keeping your home clean and fresh has become more important than ever before, especially due to the COVID19 pandemic. Cleaning regularly could be the difference between getting or avoiding the virus, and with more people spending time at home than ever before, keeping it clean and tidy has become a main priority. But, keeping your home clean shouldn’t be a stressful process. Here are some simple tips and hacks to make it easier for you. 

Use Drain Guards:

Blocked drains in your bathtub or shower can be one of the most annoying things to deal with. Not only are you unlikely to learn that the drain is blocked until you are having a shower with the water pooling around your feet but drain unblocking solutions can also take a few hours to get to work, meaning that you might be limited as to when you can use them to ensure that they have the best effect with nobody using the shower or bath. 

Place a hair catching tool in the drain of your shower or tub to catch any hair that sheds when you’re washing and make sure that it doesn’t go down the drain and cause a blockage. The shower hair catcher from The Shroom Company is easy to keep clean and saves you all the hassle of unblocking your drains in the future. The Shroom Company offers drain guards for shower stalls, bathtubs, and sinks. 

Use Baking Soda:

If you’re trying to avoid chemicals or just want to use a household product for getting the best results when cleaning, baking soda might surprise you. It’s an awesome cleaning agent and you’re likely to find it in your cupboard. If you’re trying to get rid of stubborn stains in your kitchen or bathroom and none of the cleaning products that you have at home are working very well, give baking soda a try. You can easily use it for several of the most frustrating household jobs like removing stains from plastic food containers, removing strong food odors from your fridge, or cleaning microwaves, stainless steel, range hoods, cooking utensils, and more. 

Clean Mildew With Vodka:

Vodka might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but that bottle you’ve had in the cupboard for a while isn’t just good for when we’re allowed to go to parties again. If you have mildew spots developing in your bathroom or on the tile grout in your kitchen, try cleaning them with vodka before you go out and buy an expensive mildew removing product. All you need to do is put 50% vodka and 50% water into a spray bottle. Spray it onto the mildew spots and leave it for around ten minutes to start working. Then, wipe it away with a clean cloth. Not only is the vodka effective at cleaning the mildew away, but it’ll kill it and prevent it from returning. 

De-Clutter Regularly:

Getting into the habit of regular decluttering in your home will ensure that you’re not having to tidy up a lot of items before you come to clean. Storage solutions should be put in place in every room so that you always have somewhere to put things back once you have done using them. You might also want to put a box or basket in each room for items that you don’t want to keep; at the end of each month, you can go through this and donate or sell these items to free up space in your home. Clutter-free rooms are much easier to clean and nicer to live in, too. 

Ditch the Feather Duster:

Feather dusters might be the first thing that we reach for when dusting surfaces around the home. However, feather dusters aren’t always the most effective option and instead of completely removing the dust, it’ll just spread it around from one surface to the other. While feather dusters might be ideal for reaching up in high spaces and getting those pesky dust messes out of the corners of your ceiling, you will get better results from switching to a microfibre cloth for the rest of the surfaces in your home. Since it grabs and holds onto the dust particles, a microfiber cloth will completely remove them and give you a longer period of time in between dusting. 

Wash Windows on Dull Days:

When the weather is nice outside, it’s normal for many of us to want to get outdoors and tackle some of the jobs that we wouldn’t have a chance to do in wet weather, such as cleaning the outside of the windows. However, it’s best to do this on a cloudy or dull day since the warm weather will cause your window cleaning solution to dry on the windows before you’ve had the chance to wash it away, which will leave streaks and marks all over your newly clean windows. If you get a lot of warm weather in your area, wash your windows in the evenings for a nicer finish. 

Create a To-Do List:

If you often find yourself putting off household chores until the room gets too bad to ignore, you’re not alone. Perhaps you wish that you could keep up with cleaning every day but either forget about what needs doing or struggle to find the time. Creating a to-do list in your home that can be placed in an area where it’s easy for everybody to see could help get this problem solved. You can divide your to-do list into daily, weekly, and monthly tasks and check them off as they are done so that you can easily keep track of what’s been completed and what’s left to do. 

Clean Your Appliances:

Today, there are plenty of different appliances that we can use for cleaning at home, such as vacuum cleaners and washing machines, which are some of the most popular. But, think about the last time that you cleaned your cleaning appliances? For them to work as effectively as possible and get the best results, they need to be clean. Around once a month, it’s a good idea to set aside some time to give your cleaning appliances a thorough cleaning. The more often you do this, the less build-up you’ll have to deal with and the easier the job will be. 

Keep Your Shoes Off:

Placing a shoe tray or shoe rack at the entrance to your home is a simple way to keep things cleaner for longer by encouraging everybody to take their shoes off before entering. While this is a common custom in many countries around the world, in the West, it’s not unusual to see people at home with their outdoor shoes on. And this can seriously wreck your carpets and flooring. If you prefer to wear shoes at home for any reason, it’s a good idea to get a pair of shoes purely for that purpose. 

Keep these hacks in mind and make keeping your home clean and tidy easier than ever. 


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