5 Practical Courses Every Young Adult Should Take


As someone who probably just graduated from high school and is freshly taking college, you might be wondering what courses would become a benefit for your future career. There are many options for taking courses outside your undergraduate degree. Knowing what courses would be advantageous and best develop your skills is important.

Taking practical courses can help you become a more efficient and knowledgeable employee once you graduate from college. This article will present a list of practical courses every young adult should take.

1. Public Speaking

Public speaking is one of the many practical courses that can help you develop your skills. This course helps students speak in front of an audience in many different scenarios. Generally, this can help develop your speaking skills in debates, public forums, research defense, and interviews. 

This course can even be considered a basic requirement for your career. If you’re the type of person who has trouble speaking in public, this course can help you overcome your fears to develop your skills. So in the future, when you’re looking for a new job, companies will likely consider you more because of how you handled their interviews.

2. Business and Personal Finances

As an adult, you inevitably must deal with bills, taxes, and other financial situations. So it is important to take a course that can help you be prepared for such things. By taking personal finances and business courses, you will be better equipped to handle the financial aspects of adulthood, such as budgeting, interest rates, salary negotiations, and many other things.

Dealing with finances is a heavy task to deal with as an adult. If you want to prepare yourself for such tasks, you can visit Monarch Institute to learn more about business and finance-related courses.

3. Computer Science

Nowadays, technology has become a daily necessity in people’s lives, especially in the workplace. It’s important to know every basic computer skill to be able to work competently. Aside from that, it is also beneficial to learn about basic programming, web design, and other computer-related skills to be able to gain an advantage in the workplace.

4. Physical Education

This course might seem like an unnecessary subject to take while in college, especially since you have been taking this during high school. But having a constant source of physical activity can actually be healthy for you. Not only does this benefit you physically, but it will also help you mentally during stressful times.

You might even find a specific sport you enjoy that you will continue playing after graduating. This course will help you enhance your exercise habits, which will overall be a healthy routine over time.

5. Writing

This course is an important skill to develop, even if your major doesn’t require any writing workload. A writing course will help you exceptionally write your thoughts and ideas into essays and papers. Writing is an essential task in every work field, so it is only natural that you should enhance your writing skills. This course should help you write professionally, a skill that will aid you after you graduate.

Benefits of Taking Courses Outside Your Major

Besides the course you are already taking from your major, getting other courses not involved in your degree might seem like a waste of time. Many students find taking extra courses a hassle and a waste of time. But the benefits of taking extra courses, especially practical ones, can help you develop a better and more skilled individual.

Can Help you Find Your Passion

At this stage in your life, it may seem like everything might be pointless to you, especially the extra courses that you take. College plays a significant role in what you will take, and many factors contribute to this. One of these factors is the courses that you take while in college.

Aside from the requirements of your major, taking extra courses can help you find something you truly enjoy doing. Some courses you take might not be to your liking, but there will be one that will certainly interest you. It may seem scary to explore new things you know little about, but once you learn more about the course, you might find passion in it. 

Develop Skills Useful in the Workplace

Besides the core knowledge, you will gain from your major, taking extra courses will directly translate to skills that will get you ahead in your career. Practical courses that help you develop a skill are highly beneficial since companies usually look for well-rounded employees with assets that might be useful.

The courses you take outside your major will help you develop a wide range of skills and knowledge. For example, if you’re working at a law firm, having skills developed from computer science helps you in your career. This is because most jobs in the work field require computers and technology, and having basic computer skills will allow you to use a computer proficiently.

Expand Your Social Circle

By taking extra courses outside your major, you are exposing yourself to different groups of people. This helps you meet individuals with various ways of thinking that can contribute to and affect your ideas and perspectives. Having different groups to communicate with allows you to learn more about different ideas and methods of learning. 

Exposure to new ways of thinking will ultimately enhance your overall knowledge. Instead of being limited to your course, your college learning experience will be more handful and diverse. This can help open you up to new opportunities.


Although taking a major may already seem like you can learn everything you need, having courses outside your degree can also help enhance your college experience. Getting practical courses alongside your major will help better develop your skills, and you will gain more knowledge to be used in your future career. Now you know what practical courses you should take as a young adult.


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