7 Common Myths About Teeth Debunked


Oral health is an underrated topic. It seldom finds attention for knowledgeable discussions among those not in the dental profession.

This lack of awareness has led people to accept several myths about teeth and dental health to be true.

But if you’re keen to get the facts checked, it’s never too late.

Let’s help you out by debunking the common misconceptions about teeth.

  1. Whiteness Is The Indicator Of Teeth Health

White teeth are attractive. But they can be misleading too. 

Many people assume they don’t need to worry about dental problems if their teeth are pearly white. They believe that their teeth are as healthy as can be.

If you’ve got naturally white teeth, don’t ignore issues like cavities and bad breath which are the true indicators of your oral health.

  1. Tooth Problems Don’t Affect The Rest Of Your Body

Most people are under the impression that what goes on in their mouths doesn’t affect their bodies. This idea is quite illogical and is often the root cause of poor oral care.

Cavities or gum disease don’t just affect your teeth and mouth but also disturb the balance of your gut bacteria. Research also shows that gum diseases lead to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

That’s why many dentists prescribe oral microbiome dental probiotics for a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria in the mouth and improving overall immunity. 

Dental probiotics can also be purchased over the counter. Make sure you’re buying from a trusted brand like Smile Brilliant. Smile Brilliant’s CariPRO Dental Probiotics is scientifically researched and give guaranteed health benefits.

  1. Chewing Gum Cleanses Your Teeth

Some chewing gum brands advertise their products as facilitators of fresh breath and white teeth. This has led to the common misconception that chewing gum works like brushing.

Remember, chewing gum can never be a substitute for brushing and flossing. 

  1. Baby Teeth Don’t Need Care

New parents are often advised by well-meaning friends and family that they don’t need to bother about baby teeth. After all, baby teeth are only temporary.

That’s bad advice. Don’t fall prey to such misleading information. 

Baby teeth are prone to decay and diseases just like adult teeth. And teeth problems at a young age can affect permanent teeth as well.

Babies need to get their teeth brushed from the day the first tooth erupts. If you’re uncomfortable using a toothbrush for your baby, use a clean wet cloth wrapped around your little finger to wipe the tooth clean.

  1. Sugar Causes Cavities

We’ve been told repeatedly since childhood that candies and sweet stuff cause cavities. While it’s true that consuming too much sugar can lead to tooth decay and cavities, the science behind the phenomenon is wrongly understood.

Sugar on its own doesn’t cause cavities. The harmful bacteria that feed on the sugars accumulated in our mouth cause cavities. When the bacteria consume sugar, they release acids which is the cause of tooth decay.

So if you or your kids love sugary treats, it’s no harm to have them in moderation. To avoid cavities, you’ve got to brush and floss your teeth well, that’s all.

  1. Tooth Sensitivity Is Caused Due To Enamel Erosion

Enamel erosion is only one of the several causes of sensitive teeth.

Other reasons include cavities, chipped or worn-out teeth, gum disease and tooth damage due to bruxism.

While enamel loss cannot be reversed, it’s possible to treat most of the other problems leading to tooth sensitivity. If you’re facing teeth sensitivity issues, you must consult your dentist at the earliest to find out what’s causing the problem.

  1. Aging Affects Your Teeth

As people get older, they get comfortable with their deteriorating oral health assuming that’s the natural order.

But that’s far from true. 

Aging doesn’t cause tooth decay or other problems that necessitate tooth removal. Taking care of your oral health and making regular dental visits can ensure that your smile remains bright and brilliant even if you get old.


From careless advertising to misinformed advice from the elders, many ideas influence our beliefs about teeth and oral health. Rather than just hearing and believing, we should be able to discern the facts from the myth.

We hope that this post revealed some eye-opening facts to you. 

Are there any other myths about teeth you’d like to bust? Share your ideas in the comments box below.



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