Why Should Boxing Be Kept Alive?

Why Should Boxing Be Kept Alive

The best way to take on something is to find out what works for others. More people are getting into boxing. It is a rigorous exercise that immensely benefits the player’s health. Additionally, it is suitable for society. Read on to identify four reasons why this sport should be kept alive.

Self-Defense Technique

Boxing is one of the oldest and most celebrated martial arts. It has been refined and perfected over a thousand years, with records showing Americans played it as early as the 18th century. This sport utilizes head movements, footwork, and punches to create an efficient striking system. This system is considered excellent for self-defense when the situation calls for it. Other self-defense boxing strategies include blocking an attack, parrying, and counter-attacking.

The ability to protect oneself from violence is an essential skill that, though overlooked, is significant. It should be taught to children and adults to increase their confidence in the knowledge that they can defend themselves in case of an attack.

Physical Health Benefits

Boxing incorporates high-intensity interval training that is great for cardiovascular fitness. Studies show that boxing is a 75-80% aerobic fitness program. Training programs include:

  • Shadow boxing
  • Punching bags
  • Ladder drills
  • Strength and conditioning

Punching and kicking require the upper and lower body muscles to transfer force from the ground up. This transfer of energy is known as kinetic linking. This exercise is where many core strengthening effects take place during training. Also, it increases joints’ flexibility, which is necessary to perform punching and kicking techniques. Physiologists recommend boxing to slow down the effects of joint disorders such as osteoporosis. Boxing also helps those with Parkinson’s fight back against the disease.

Mental Health Benefits

Boxing can have a significant impact on the player’s mental health. According to research, physical activity such as boxing promotes the release of endorphins; feel-good hormones that stimulate a sense of euphoria. Additionally, people who engage in boxing can outsource their anger and frustration to the punching bag. Therefore, boxing reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.

Cognitively, boxing training requires a significant amount of motor coordination and spatial awareness, which primes critical areas of the brain, such as the primary and secondary motors. In addition, boxing training is so challenging that you require total focus and concentration. This focus develops essential regions in the brain responsible for attention. You can apply it to other life aspects such as school or career.

Social Benefits

Anyone can take up boxing regardless of their age and fitness level. You can determine your level of involvement and switch it up at will. Some people pick up boxing for exercise, while others do it professionally. Boxing builds a sense of community. When you join a fitness club that specializes in boxing training in San Diego near me, you will get to interact with people having similar interests as yourself, thus expanding your social circle.

Boxing aims at social inclusion to engage youths in rougher neighborhoods to prevent them from joining gangs and getting involved in crime. The youth can positively channel their energy into training. Boxing is challenging; therefore, it calls for discipline to master the art. A disciplined person easily achieves goals, leads a peaceful life, and becomes an upstanding member of society.

Boxing is a valuable sport both community and health-wise. It strengthens the cardiovascular system as well as reduces anxiety and depression. Moreso, it trains people in the skill of self-defense, thus building their confidence.


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