The 3 Best Destinations For A Marijuana Themed Vacation

Marijuana Themed

There are people who will travel to a place specifically to enjoy the food. Places like Spain and Italy are top spots for foodies who want to explore the cuisines. There is a growing trend these days of marijuana themed connoisseurs that are doing the same thing. They are picking destinations that will allow them to enjoy marijuana freely and in an interesting environment.

Luckily, there are a lot of places where marijuana is legal so you have a lot of options for travel. In this article, we will go over what some of those destinations are so you can plan your next marijuana themed vacation. 

1 – San Francisco, California

Marijuana is legal in California so this is an ideal time to go there and enjoy the ability to go sightseeing while you have a nice buzz going. San Francisco is an ideal location since there is already so much to see and do there. 

It is a food destination so if you love to eat after you smoke up then you can enjoy some great cioppino soup with the famous San Francisco sourdough bread. What’s great is that you can have your weed delivered to your hotel legally so you don’t have to find a dispensary and wait in line. 

Once you smoke then head over to the Golden Gate Park or take in the sights at the Fisherman’s Wharf. There is a weed guide to San Francisco to find some of the best ways to enjoy the city with the emphasis on smacking up beforehand. Just remember that smoking in public is still against the law so be discreet. 

2 – Amsterdam, Netherlands 

The Netherlands has been a famous destination for marijuana tourism for decades. There are many cafes where you can go and order a joint just as if it were a cup of coffee. 

There are cafes all over the place where some are true holes in the wall type establishments and others are a bit more upscale so there is something for everyone. It is important to remember that although it is ok to smoke in public places like cafes it is not legal to do so everywhere. In fact, the marijuana laws are quite contradictory there so please make sure you are not breaking any local laws before you light up and never buy from somebody on the street. 

3 – Canada

The entire country of Canada has made marijuana legal everywhere you go. You can smoke it in every province and not run into trouble. The nicest part is that you can smoke it in public, in fact, anywhere that allows smoking cigarettes in public also allows smoking weed. 

This gives you a lot of options for enjoying your vacation with very few restrictions. Canada is a great destination for tourists as you have a lot of options from world class skiing to kayaking in the cold waters around Vancouver. (Viagra) There is fantastic cuisine in places like Quebec. 



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