Tips for Shoulder Recovery After Surgery

Shoulder Recovery

A shoulder performs in almost every typical activity you engage in throughout the day. After shoulder surgery, you may feel put out of the game for some time, and you will need therapy to recover and get back to normal as soon as possible. Understanding the process, what to expect, and the duration of every step taken in the healing process will make your shoulder recovery journey after arthroscopic shoulder surgery in West Chester less daunting.

Activities to Take Part In

After shoulder surgery and for Shoulder Recovery, you need to rest when you feel tired. Getting adequate sleep will help in the reviver journey. A reclining chair might be the perfect place to sleep to not hurt your shoulder. It’s good to engage in activities that help you stay fit, like walking even for short distances. Walking will boost blood flow and help prevent other problems such as constipation.

You should avoid lifting heavy things for a few weeks as they may hurt your shoulder before it heals. Also, avoid using the arm for repeated movements such as painting and vacuuming.

Diet for Consumption

After shoulder surgery, you can continue eating your normal diet. If you have a stomach problem, bland and low-fat food like plain rice will be better. It would help if you kept hydrated unless your doctor advises against it. Many people report having irregular bowel movements after surgery. It is a common occurrence, and you can ease the problem by taking a fiber supplement or asking your doctor to prescribe a mild laxative.


Some patients need rehabilitation after surgery. Rehabilitation is a series of exercises that patients do after surgery. Rehabilitation will help you recover the range of motion and strength of the shoulder. Your doctor and physiotherapist will help you with the process. For the best results, you must ensure you do the exercises right and frequently as recommended by your doctor.


Your doctor will advise you on when to start taking your medicine and give instructions on new ones. Don’t take any medicine without consulting your doctor, as it may bring other complications and affect your healing process. Pain medicine should be taken as prescribed, and if you do not have any, you can ask your doctor if you can take an over-the-counter medicine.

Recovery Timeline

After shoulder surgery, the arm may be placed in a sling to immobilize it as you heal. This may take about four to six weeks. Although you may find it challenging to do some daily activities, you should wear the sling as instructed by your doctor. Immobilizing the shoulder is a critical part of making sure you heal correctly. It also helps avoid any stiffness or pain you may experience in the future. As you work with your physical therapist during your rehabilitation, you will be able to build strength and flexibility in the arm over time.

Recovering after shoulder surgery can be a lengthy process. The speed and the pain you experience will depend on various factors, including presenting complications, type of procedure, and consistency in rehabilitation, among others. However, as long as you follow your doctors’ instructions, your recovery process will be much easier and more manageable.



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