Learn how to order food in Buenos Aires


Planning a trip to a new tourist destination and that everything turns out in the best possible way is the wish of every person who loves these adventures. And for all this to happen, one must prepare in the best way.

From buying the tickets to travel to the hotel reservation, the taxi at the airport, which destinations to visit, and the language, will be fundamental factors.

If we travel to a country like Argentina and a city like Buenos Aires, understanding the language will be key to enjoying our stay there. And the Spanish Language School Buenos Aires will be the best option to learn the language from within.

Carrying out this Spanish Course Buenos Aires will allow us to interpret better a very rich language, with many synonyms and variants, and with gerunds that lead to even the language having many secrets.


It is practically apparent to tell you that Spanish is spoken in Argentina, but the reality is that the Argentine language has its variants, and that makes it spectacular.

His phrases and local expressions make us find ourselves before a very rich language in different aspects.

It is for this reason that if we visit Buenos Aires, or any part of Argentina, knowing the language will be essential to be able to interpret what we are hearing from the inhabitants with whom we have the opportunity to interact.

You will have the possibility of taking several online courses, but we do not recommend taking an express course. The ideal will be to take a traditional course and prepare yourself in an excellent way to understand Spanish in the best possible way.

Buenos Aires is an incredible city

The capital of the Argentine Republic is one of the most chosen tourist places by visitors worldwide. It is that it has attractions for all tastes, and that makes it a fascinating destination.

The central point will be the Obelisco. This historical monument located on Avenida 9 de Julio is one of the most significant points of attraction, where everyone wants to take their photo.

We can visit the Plaza de Mayo, a place full of history for everything there.

Around the Plaza de Mayo, one can find the Casa Rosada, where the President and high officials exercise their functions. There is also the possibility of visiting the Cabildo, an old mansion where the independence of Argentina was decreed. And the Cathedral of Buenos Aires also makes its imposing presence in that area.

To all these places we must add many more. Suppose you have the opportunity to be in Buenos Aires. In that case, we recommend that you visit its bookstores and theaters, which are among the most prominent in the world for having a wide variety of options when choosing what we want to read or what we want to see about it stage.

If you visit Buenos Aires, you must visit these places to have a different and unique experience in the city.

All this, together with the neighborhoods of La Boca, Palermo, Recoleta, and San Telmo, just to mention a few, make Buenos Aires an incredible place.


One of the strengths of the city of Buenos Aires is its gastronomy. Its bars are very good, with craft beer and fast food that will allow us to delight ourselves with our friends or partner.

But if what we are looking for is to eat as a traditional Argentine does, we will not avoid its traditional grills. There we can enjoy the barbecue and its best dishes.

Choose achuras, chinchulines, mollejas, choripanes, costillas, vacío, matambre and entrañas. And all this accompanied by the traditional Chmichurri sauce to give it a unique flavor.

And if we add a glass of Malbec wine to a good barbecue, we could be in the presence of a great combination.

On the other hand, it must be said that you should consider the relationship between Argentina and Italy, which made the Argentines become great pasta and pizza cooks. If you want to eat a good plate of ravioles, ñoquis, fideos, or sorrentinos, Argentina will also offer it to you.

Pizzas have also become a highlight of Argentine food, with their variations and originality when they are on the table.


Visiting Buenos Aires and witnessing a tango show is something spectacular that we can do. And we can also dance tango!

In San Telmo or La Boca, you can have dance classes and then dance with other tourists or people in the place.

This type of dance represents Argentina significantly, being the traditional style that has exposed it is a great way to the world.


Argentina is also synonymous with soccer. The most popular sport in the world has ample space in Argentine culture. The titles won by the National Team and the achievements of their teams, added to players like Messi and Maradona, make the public very passionate.

For this reason, if you visit Argentina, a place that you can see will be the soccer stadiums.

In Buenos Aires, the River Plate Stadium (El Monumental) and Boca Juniors stadium (La Bombonera) are the most popular. You can take guided tours of the stadium and the museums of these clubs. However, the most exciting thing will be being able to see a live game from the stadium, with the colors of the fans.

In addition to Boca Juniors and River Plate, in Buenos Aires, you will meet teams from different categories of Argentine soccer.


Visiting this country will be a unique experience because of Buenos Aires and the different tourist spots and cities that Argentina has throughout its territory. From the south to the north.

That is why if you visit Argentina, you must be prepared to be able to understand its language and also to be able to know its culture in depth.


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