How To Keep Your Chicago Office Space Running Smoothly

Chicago Office Space

As you define your long-term business goals, employee productivity should be your top priority. Even if your workplace morale is high, your office might be filled with happy, engaged employees who aren’t highly productive or hard-working. Sometimes, it might seem like your team members are doing a great job, but they’re not utilizing their time effectively.

To maximize ROI, business owners must strike the perfect balance between an engaged workforce that’s also highly productive. Whether you’re running a small call center or a large enterprise, here’s how to keep your Chicago office space running smoothly.

Keep your indoor air quality in check.

Managing your building’s indoor air quality is key to keeping your employees happy, healthy, and productive. Indoor air contains various particles that are harmful to human health. As such, long-term exposure to these particles puts your employees at a higher risk of adverse health effects such as headaches, dizziness, and colds.

Studies have shown that poor air quality can cause employees to become sick more often. Because poor indoor air quality creates an unhealthy work environment, employees exposed to low-quality air tend to take more sick days. Over time, reduced productivity can have a dramatic impact on your bottom line.

Countless factors can influence your building’s air quality—from the use of chemicals like formaldehyde in furniture to the ventilation system itself. Consequently, it’s important to get your building’s HVAC system checked regularly by local technicians who offer
HVAC repair in Chicago. An efficient, well-maintained HVAC system will circulate fresh air around your office space, significantly reducing your air pollution levels.

Boost productivity with omnichannel communication.

Your employees deserve an easy-to-use system that helps them work smarter, not harder. When your team members can run all of their communication channels on one system, it’s much easier for them to have multiple conversations simultaneously. In turn, an omnichannel platform boosts your employee productivity, creating a snowball effect of benefits within the customer experience. Ultimately, a great experience—one that sets your company apart from the competition—can increase sales and conversions.

Bright Pattern’s contact center platform is cloud-based, making it the perfect solution for both small businesses and larger enterprises. With an omnichannel call center solution, you can empower your agents with increased communication capabilities. For example, agents can have one conversation via SMS text while answering questions for another customer via Facebook messenger. This way, you’ll be able to make life easier for your employees while offering a seamless customer experience.

Align goals with employee performance.

Striving to increase employee productivity and engagement? Employees are more productive when they’re able to align their goals with their performance. By setting objective, achievable goals, you can motivate your employees and help them build confidence in their ability to succeed. Then, with realistic goals in place, you can encourage employees to improve their performance and take responsibility for it.

In other words, setting meaningful goals for your business and employees can drive better performance. It’s also a great way to encourage collaboration and team-building. For the best results, be sure to check in with your employees regularly about their goals.

Embrace your company culture.

Your company’s culture encompasses several elements—from your work environment, ethics, goals, and values to your company vision. Research has shown that employee productivity increases in workspaces that emphasize relationship-building and reward teamwork. Meanwhile, companies that emphasize hierarchies and individual success experience reduced productivity.

So, how can you focus more on company culture? To start, consider adjusting your hiring practices to ensure that new hires will work well with your current employees. When your team members are all on the same page about work quality, deadlines, and performance, they’re more likely to use their time efficiently and require less supervision.

At the end of the day, employee productivity can make all the difference in your business growth. From improving your workplace environment to promoting teamwork, taking simple steps can help your office run more smoothly and efficiently.


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