Things That You Should Know If You Are Unsure of Visiting Your Nearest Los Angeles TRT Clinic

TRT clinic

Throughout the last decade, testosterone replacement treatment (TRT) has increased in popularity. Millions of elderly men have resorted to Los Angeles TRT to rebalance their hormones with the aim of reviving their vitality and rekindling their sexual desire. In this article, you will know a few things that you should know if you are unsure about visiting your nearest Los Angeles TRT clinic.

TRT, however, continues to be contentious due to its unknown advantages and potential health hazards. Years ago, safety issues were expressed following the discovery of a probable link with TRT and an elevated risk for heart disease.  A renowned reproductive endocrinologist from Harvard revealed that “In one research, TRT dosages were far greater than those typically recommended, and the individuals were more fragile also had other medical issues while there are other research has revealed no evidence of an increased risk.”

Medical Developments in Testosterone Replacement Therapy

New studies have bolstered this viewpoint on TRT. From the 1,472 males with ages 52 to 63 who have low testosterone levels but also have no history of heart disease, this study conducted by the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions revealed that undergoing TRT is not going to cause an increase in the risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or even mortality in healthy males. 

Additionally, research published in August 2015 in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings found no relation between TRT and venous blood clots in 30,000 males. “At the moment, the judgment is still out on TRT’s effect on cardiovascular disease,” Dr. Hayes explains. 

TRT’s association with various health problems is similarly ambiguous. For example, whereas TRT had previously been associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer, research published in the December 2015 Journal of Urology indicated that five years of exposure to TRT was not associated with an increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer. 

The ultimate issue is that the long-term hazards of TRT remain unclear because of the short duration of much of this research. The treatment may be a realistic alternative for a portion of males.

Who Are Best Fit To Undergo Los Angeles TRT?

For one to be able to obtain a prescription for TRT, you must have both low testosterone levels—less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) along with some other symptoms brought about by low levels of testosterone. “It is conceivable to just have significantly lower levels and have no symptoms,” Dr. Hayes explains. “However, if you do not exhibit any of the major symptoms, particularly exhaustion and erectile dysfunction, these are the most prevalent, it is not suggested that you begin TRT due to the existing ambiguity about its long-term safety.” 

One way to determine a person’s level of testosterone is through a simple blood test. Numerous tests are necessary due to the fact that levels fluctuate daily and are altered by medication and nutrition. “In 30% of cases when the first testosterone level is low, the levels fall into place when the testing is repeated,” Dr. Hayes explains. 

Even though your levels have dropped and you are experiencing a range of symptoms, TRT is indeed not usually the first line of defense. “Often, if you can pinpoint the source of dropping levels, you can resolve the issue and naturally increase low levels,” Dr. Hayes explains. 

For example, the leading cause of declining levels is weight increase. “Bodyweight has a greater effect on testosterone levels than those of age. As weight increases, testosterone levels decrease,” she explains. So, if your body mass index will increase, say, by 5 points, then the decrease in testosterone level can be compared to adding a decade of your age. 

“Your doctor should also consider any additional factors that may affect levels, including as medication or other conditions,” Dr. Hayes adds. In these cases, your doctor may choose to address the underlying illness or adjust your prescription or dose to one that has no effect on testosterone levels. 

Men must also grasp the limitations of TRT, since many regard it as a fountain of youth. “It has a less effective than many guys anticipate,” Dr. Hayes explains. 

For instance, sexual health and vigor are frequently cited as two of TRT’s advantages. As shown in research made by the New England Journal of Medicine, for the 790 men in ages 65 and above, those who took TRT for one year reported significant improvements in erectile dysfunction, particularly activities, desire, and erectile function, compared to those who got a placebo. The group, however, saw just a minor increase in mood and no change in walking pace, which would be used to assess TRT’s effect on vitality.

Expectations to Have When Undergoing TRT

TRT is frequently administered by gel application or intravenous dosing. The regular intake is the size of a ketchup package—is applied using a gel to both forearms, shoulders, or thighs. Typically, injections are delivered into the buttocks every two weeks. 

Each technique offers a number of advantages. There is less fluctuation in testosterone levels while using gels. “However, you must prevent direct skin contact for several hours, particularly with women, since the testosterone may promote breakouts or hair growth,” Dr. Hayes advises. 

With the intravenous injection, testosterone levels might spike for a few days following the infusion and then gradually decline. This can result in a roller-coaster effect, with mood and energy levels spiking and then dwindling. 

The majority of men see an improvement in their symptoms in less than 4 to 6 weeks, however certain effects, like increased muscle mass, may take three to six months. 

TRT does not necessarily have to be taken indefinitely. “If the underlying condition that prompted your testosterone levels to decline resolves, you should discontinue medication and be re-evaluated by your doctor,” Dr. Hayes advises.

Some Key Takeaways On Los Angeles TRT

TRT is a safe and reliable kind of hormone replacement treatment that is frequently used to treat individuals who have low testosterone levels. TRT can assist in restoring testosterone levels to a normal range if the body is not making enough testosterone. 

If you believe you may have low testosterone as a result of the symptoms discussed in this article, you must take the required procedures to get your testosterone levels evaluated through a blood test. Bear in mind that testosterone is the predominant “masculine” hormone. TRT is frequently a life-changing regimen with undeniable advantages for those with low testosterone.


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