8 Tips For Ensuring Safety Of Your Child At Home

Safety Of Your Child At Home

We wait for years to become parents, and finally when we become one, we realise there is a lot more to it. Sleepless nights, postpartum depression, emergencies, non stop crying and much more. But all of this seems insignificant when compared to the joy you get in seeing your kids grow up. From sitting for the first time, crawling to standing on their feet, every little action of theirs gives us immense pleasure.

Growing up also means trouble for parents. Kids are filled with a tremendous amount of curiosity and anxiety. This results in them being fidgety at all times. They pick everything they come across, meddle with it, break it, or even swallow it sometimes. You need to be vigilant 24/7. You need to keep them away from hazardous things. You need to ensure their safety.

Here are some tips that will be helpful in ensuring safety of your child. Let’s start.

1. Store all chemical and hazardous materials out of reach

Kids are inquisitive by nature and find it difficult to stay away from touching things. They meddle with anything that they haven’t seen before or find interesting. In the event of this, they may end up ingesting harmful chemicals.

It is, therefore, advisable to store such bottles and containers at a place your child can’t reach them. If possible, lock the cabinet in your absence.

2. Keep exits to the house locked

It is best to keep all doors and windows of your house locked at all times. Yes, you keep an eye on your child 24/7, but it is quite possible that the child is fidgeting with the door handle or window pane and may end up accidentally opening it.

He may hurt himself or fall down from the window. He may even leave the house unknowingly. Therefore, ensure that all openings of your house are secured. In case you have a staircase in your house, get a barrier installed, so that your child can’t climb up or down the stairs without your attention.

3. Childproof all electrical outlets

All plug points and holes are to be sealed as soon as your child starts crawling. Make sure all there are no unattended cables and wires. Tv mall mounting, hiding cables and sockets are some of the best practices. This will prevent your child from sticking his fingers in the holes or playing with loose wires.

4. Install smoke alarms

It is advisable to have smoke alarms installed in houses with toddlers and children. Fire is considered to be the most dangerous of all hazards. In case your child ends up in doing something resulting in smoke or a fire, the smoke alarms will alert you on time. Ensure that the smoke alarms are well maintained and serviced.

5. Don’t let them play with miniature and sharp toys

It’s a natural tendency to fill their room with colourful and attractive toys. They seem so immersed and to be really enjoying themselves when they are playing with their toys. But, it’s advisable to never buy them toys that have sharp edges or are too small that they can swallow them.

6. Be vigilant at all times

Keep your eyes and ears open at all times. Understandably, it is not possible for you to give up everything and keep a watch on them. After all, you do have household chores to do and other things to take care of. If you have to leave the house for errands, make sure you keep calling to check on them.

It’s a good idea to educate them about the possible hazards and accidents that can take place. Tell them what’s good and not good for them.

7. Never leave them alone in water

Kids just love playing in water. It’s a fun activity for them and it’s good to give them some fun time with water every now and then. But never, I repeat never, leave your child unattended in a bathtub or pool, even if it’s for a few seconds. This may result in accidental drowning or them hurting themselves.

8. Keep emergency contact numbers handy

You take every possible measure to avoid accidents, but kids are really good at catching us off-guard. Therefore, maintain a list with helpline numbers and emergency contact numbers. List down people who you can call in case of an emergency.

Maintain a first-aid kit with you. Sometimes, external help may take time to arrive which is where the first-aid kit would come handy.

There is hardly anything in the world that is more important to us than our child’s safety and well-being. We should therefore take every possible precaution to prevent injuries and accidents. Apart from that, we should also keep ourselves prepared for the worst. Hope these tips will be helpful in ensuring your child’s safety at home. Happy parenting!


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