Expert Survival Tips that Will Help You Cheat any Situation

Expert Survival

With humans becoming more adapt to modern living arrangements, surrounded by buildings and technology, survival instincts have taken a back seat. We don’t need to grow and catch our own food or build our own shelter. There are loads of services provided to make our lives much more comfortable. Will we be able to survive a life or death situation in the wilderness? 

You never know when you will be finding yourself in a dangerous situation in the open sea or in the scorching hot desert. To help you prepare yourself for any unforeseen situation, we’ve come up with a list of survival tips to help you define the odds. 


Someone’s worst nightmare would be to get trapped under heaps of junk underground. In the unfortunate event of this happening, you have to realize that air is your best friend and you need to do everything to preserve it. 

    • Avoid using matches or any form of fire for lighting. Fire sucks up oxygen. 
    • Tie a piece of clothing over your head, it will prevent you from suffocating.
  • Try to stay calm by not screaming. An increased heart rate will cause heavier breathing, eating up all the air. 


We’ve heard many stories of people floating on a raft in the ocean for days on end. Their sheer determination and survival instinct allowed them to survive against all odds, living to tell the tale. There are three very important things you need when you are floating in the middle of the ocean: water, food, and a cooler temperature. 

Even with limited supplies you’ll be able to define the odds:

  • Use a piece of discarded cloth, sail, or clothing to create a fishing net. Some survivors have even reported to weaving together string and wires. You can either catch some small fish or seaweed. 
  • Sunrays that reflect on the ocean water can cause death by heat stroke. Always cover your head and eyes with either a piece of cloth, cardboard, or whatever you can find. 
  • Make a distillation machine. Click here for instructions on how to make your own water purifier.

Remember, no matter how thirsty you are, don’t drink ocean water. The high salt content will only cause dehydration and increase levels of thirst. 


While hiking or walking in the wilderness you have to always be cautious of wild animals. Before going into unchartered territory, it will be wise to do some reading on different types of venomous snakes, spiders, and scorpions. 

If you don’t know whether the creature that bit you is venomous, you will be able to tell by the bitemark. The bitten area will be extremely painful and will change color to blue or a darkish red. Another tell-tale sign is that the bitten area will immediately start swelling up. Symptoms can include: nausea, high fever, headache, hallucination, and blurry vision. It’s recommended that you:

  • Don’t suck out the venom if you’re close to a hospital. You might have small cuts and sores in your mouth and make the infection worse. 
  • If you aren’t close to a hospital, suck out the venom and spit it out immediately. Avoid swallowing at all costs. 
  • Don’t close the bite mark with a bandage, the blood should run out as much as possible.  



One of the primary survival skills any person can have, is starting a fire from scratch. Sure, it looks extremely easy when survivalists do it on television, in reality it’s anything but. You’re going to need a lot of patience and stamina to make this work. 

Follow these instructions in building a fire:

If you find yourself in a situation where there is only wet wood, you can try the following:

  • Make a star shape cut into a vertically placed log
  • Add some dry sticks and grass into the log
  • Make a fire inside the star shaped cut and watch the log burn 


The desert is not a fun place to be without any proper resources. The desert reach extremely high temperatures during the day and can be very cold during the night. Your best bet will be to keep on moving:

  • Travel at night. It will decrease your chances of dehydrating and getting heat stroke. 
  • Find the Southern Cross and follow it. Winds can change the appearance of dunes, completely misleading anyone that’s lost. Try to walk in the same direction every night by looking for a light beacon in the form of the Southern Cross. 
  • Don’t drink liquids from cacti as they might contain poisonous lye. Water source are typically found not too deep underneath the sand’s surface. 
  • Wrap a piece of cloth or old clothing around your head during the day. 


It’s important to remember that when you are roaming around in the woods, that you will be in some dangerous animals’ territory. Don’t even try fighting for a part of that territory. When you spot wolf or bear footprints, or even bear paw scratches on trees, you should get out of the area as fast as possible. 

In case you do encounter a wild animal, do the following:

  • Don’t run away
  • Don’t turn your back on the animal or provoke it, they will attack, especially if you’re in their territory or close to their cubs
  • Act aggressively by screaming loudly, howling, growling, and stomping your feet. While doing this you should back up slowly, your dominance will scare them away. 
  • Don’t let a pack of wolves surround you. Find the nearest tree and climb it. 

Ultimately, the sheer will to survive will help you define any odds. As long as you have the necessary knowledge and skill, your survival instinct will kick in soon and help you cheat any situation.


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