What Is RFA Treatment? Learning How RFA Treatment Can Help You

RFA Treatment

If you suffer from chronic pain, you’re not alone. About 50 million people in the United States grapple with chronic pain. There are many ways sufferers ease this pain, one way is through a treatment called radiofrequency ablation, or RFA. 

Radiofrequency is known to provide long-lasting pain relief without the use of drugs or invasive surgery. A study proved that this procedure was effective for more than 70 percent of patients. Here we break down everything you need to know about how an RFA treatment can benefit you.

What is RFA Treatment?

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is an outpatient treatment that helps ease joint pain. This procedure uses thermal energy to disrupt pain signals at the source. RFA is used on the neck, back, knees, and hips. More than one area can be treated at once time during the procedure.

RFA procedures are painless and the risks are minimal. For the most part, patients tolerate RFA well and experience few complications. Pain relief will last for about 6-18 months. The procedure can be repeated when the pain returns. 

How Do RFA Treatments Work? 

Radio frequency therapy treatments are short and simple. Your doctor will perform the procedure in a treatment room setting. They apply a local anesthetic and give you a mild sedative to reduce discomfort. Also, you may be awake during the procedure to help assess the process. 

The doctor will insert a small needle into the painful location. They will then use x-ray imaging to guide the needle to the targeted area. A microelectrode is inserted through the needle and stimulates the location. The stimulation is to make sure the electrode is in the right place for treatment. 

Once the needle placement is successfully verified, a tiny radiofrequency current is sent through the electrode into the targeted area, causing the tissue to heat. The heat disables the nerve and stops it from sending pain signals. The heating process is not painful.

What Happens After the Procedure?

Once the procedure is complete, a bandage is placed over the injection site and you will stay in the recovery room for observation. A nurse will check your blood pressure and pulse.

You’ll be advised to avoid any strenuous activity for at least 24 hours after the procedure. It’s also advised that you not drive or operate heavy machinery 24 hours after surgery. (Sildenafil Citrate) Over the span of a few weeks, the pain should subside. 

How Do You Qualify for RFA? 

Talk to your doctors to know if RFA is right for you. They will perform a test to show if the procedure is the best option for pain relief. You will receive a shot of numbing medication and if you experience immediate pain relief, then you will qualify for RFA treatments. Those with active infections or bleeding problems will not be a candidate for RFA treatments. 

Have Chronic Pain? Give RFA a Try! 

An RFA treatment can drastically change your life. It provides long-term pain relief and doesn’t require constant medication refills. If you’re interested in this procedure, contact your doctor today. For health tips and more, follow this blog! 


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