The Differences Between CBD Oil and Hemp Oil

Differences Between CBD Oil and Hemp Oil

These days, a lot of people are interested in taking CBD oil to improve physical and mental health. While CBD oil and hemp oil are fairly similar, there are important differences.

Comparing CBD Oil To Hemp Oil

While CBD oil is derived from the hemp plant, it does not contain the chemical THC. As the primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, THC is controlled by federal law. However, CBD is a non-psychoactive chemical that is currently legal throughout the United States. Though CBD has been reported to decrease anxiety in many people, it is not known to create the intoxicated feeling associated with marijuana consumption.

CBD oil should not be confused with hemp oil or hemp seed oil, a non-CBD oil that has been available nationwide for decades. Though hemp oil certainly has some nutritional value, it does not provide the proven health benefits of CBD oil. Hemp oil is generally derived from hemp seeds, which do not contain significant amounts of THC or CBD. In contrast, CBD oil is derived from hemp plant material. Lab tested CBD oil will always list CBD on the product label.


Products that contain THC cause the user to feel the sensation of intoxication. Currently, cannabis is only legal to purchase in certain states. Although hemp oil sometimes contains CBD as well, this is not guaranteed. To make sure you are getting the best possible product, be sure the product you are purchasing definitely contains CBD. Because certain products contain THC and CBD as well, it’s important to read all labels before dosing.

The Benefits Of CBD For Mind And Body

Due to the fact that you can’t get high using CBD, CBD isolate is legal to own and use throughout the nation. Quite a few celebrities now swear by CBD, which is found in a wide variety of beauty products and nutrition supplements. Many people believe that CBD can help tobacco users quit smoking. This effect was demonstrated in a study published in a journal called Addictive Behaviors. Released in 2013, this study showed that people with CBD inhalers were able to reduce their smoking by as much as 40 percent. While the connection between CBD therapy and smoking cessation requires further analysis, the early results of this research look promising.

At this point, it is unquestionable that CBD oil can provide a variety of benefits for people who have chronic pain. While CBD products might not completely obviate the need to use pain medication, CBD seems to have significant implications for pain relief. Dr. Daniel Clauw is one reputable researcher who has recommended CBD for individuals suffering from chronic knee pain. While the medical community has not yet provided standard recommendations for CBD dosage, it should be fairly safe for people to experiment with CBD doses. After all, this is an all-natural product found in nature. Unlike many harsh, chemical medications, CBD is not associated with any serious side effects. According to Dr. Clauw, CBD has fewer side effects than opioids and over-the-counter pain medications alike.

Due to the fact that CBD has some anti-inflammatory capabilities, quite a few companies are now offering CBD-infused skincare offerings. Products in this category include anti-aging creams, hydrating creams and anti-acne creams. Dr. Francesca Fusco is one of many medical professionals now recommending CBD-based products to patients. Once again, the public deserves access to more scientific information about the dermatological benefits of CBD. For too long, government restrictions made it difficult to research the benefits of cannabis-derived chemicals. Fortunately, CBD research has become somewhat easier in the last couple of years.

CBD For Skincare

The beneficial effects of CBD extend far past physical improvements. Quite a few people have found that CBD provides relief for mental health and developmental issues as well. Reportedly, CBD can ease the symptoms of autism. In addition, CBD seems to ameliorate symptoms associated with clinical anxiety and depression. Because CBD does not make the user feel intoxicated, parents can safely use CBD to treat autistic children. When investing in a CBD health supplement, it’s important to acquire your product from a reputable, legitimate source.

Whatever your specific needs, lab tested CBD hemp oil can almost certainly help you cut down on using harsh pharmaceuticals. All in all, this is one of the most promising new supplement ingredients to come down the line in years.


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