Most Common Signs of Physical and Mental Addiction

physical and mental addiction

Keeping Informed About Addiction

The Physical and Mental addiction can take a toll on the lives of everyone in society. Keeping informed about the various types of addictions is vital because there is help available. Addictions affect a large variety of people in society. Addictions don’t discriminate. Age, race and social status have nothing to do with addictions because every social status has been impacted by addictions. There are different types of addictions to be informed about. A person who is caught up in an addiction may not be recognizable by those who love them the most. This is because the addicted individual often has many mood swings and behavior changes and various other symptoms. Substance abuse and addictions can be baffling and often wreak havoc in the lives of everyone who is involved. There is good news to know about addictions too. Those who are suffering with an addiction can receive quality inpatient treatment from trained professions who have the tools and information to help foster a successful recovery for the addict and their loved ones.

Defining a Physical Addiction

The physical addiction is when a person uses a drug continuously. The body will become dependent on the drug and it will be hard to function without the drug. It is possible to become physically addicted to many things. This can include prescribed medications, alcohol and illegal drugs. A person will usually go through a physical withdrawal if they do not have access to the substance or the drug.

The Mental Addiction

A mental addiction differs slightly from the physical addiction. A person may not have a physical need for a drug. This type of addiction is more of a mental desire for something or someone. It is not uncommon for a mental or psychological addiction can involve marijuana. A psychological or mental addiction can be viewed as an emotional frame of mind. This may include withdrawal symptoms that are more of an emotional nature. This type of addiction can develop with frequent exposure to various substances or behaviors. This emotional dependence is behavior based as opposed to experiencing physical withdrawals when the cycle breaks

Three Common and Clear Signs of Addiction

There are signs and symptoms that are commonly seen when a person is involved in an addiction. It is not difficult to spot a person who is caught up in an addiction because the signs and symptoms are very clear and transparent. The three commonly seen signs include:

1. Giving up things they used to love; when a person is involved in substance abuse, they tend to sacrifice many of their passions in life. They will stop being involved in the activities and people that used to bring them joy. Turning down invitations and other opportunities and sacrificing the joy in life is part of the displayed changes and signs that are often associated with addiction

2. A good supply of the drug-of-choice; a person who is involved with substance dependence will need to make sure they do not run out of it and will avoid the good things in life to keep their supply in stock

3. Solitude and secrecy; many addicted individuals will prefer solitude and tend to cover up their substance abuse because it is a form of denial

Treatment: Freedom and Life

There is freedom and life to look forward to when the cycle of addiction is broken. Hope and joy will return once the addiction has been acknowledged and treated. Life tools and good a good support system filled with honesty and truth will replace the torment of addiction and stop the destruction.


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