7 Things to Keep in Mind Before Building Your Outdoor Kitchen

designing your outdoor kitchen

Home enhancement projects, such as building an outdoor kitchen, require research, creativity, knowledge, planning, and a tremendous amount of patience. Whether you take the professional or the DIY route, there are several things to consider before you can create that gorgeous outdoor space where you can cook, dine, and hang-out with friends.

An outdoor kitchen can boost your home’s value considerably. It allows you to offer guests something new and entertain them outdoors. On top of that, you also get more storage space, as well as the opportunity to become more adventurous with your recipes.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the most essential matters to consider when building an outdoor kitchen.

1.   Budget

It’s safe to say that spending on a project can quickly get out of hand. Most of us have been there in the past. To always be on the safe side, make sure the budget you set is affordable, and that your team sticks to it.

That being said, you’ll want to make sure your budget is enough to cover high-quality materials, utilities, and the right technology. If not, then it would be best to save up and wait a while until you do.

2.   Location

Does it constantly rain in your neck of the woods? When building your outdoor kitchen, keep in mind the climate and environment as this will impact the design in several ways. Your kitchen’s functionality and lifespan are going to rely heavily on the materials used to make it.

Make sure the materials, as well as the design of your outdoor kitchen, meets the unique challenges of your location.

3.   Layout

Layouts for indoor kitchens can be configured for outdoor ones, as well. If you’re looking to have something similar to your galley or L-shaped style indoor kitchen set in an outdoor space, such as the deck, rooftop, or patio, then don’t worry because it can be done.

Assess the space available and use this to determine the layout for your kitchen. If you don’t have enough space to work with, then propane grills and some cabinets should be enough. However, there is so much you can do with sufficient space, including setting up an island with a sink, several cabinets, and even a built-in grill.

If space is not an issue, at all, then feel free to do what you will with the area, like designating a section for bartending, refrigeration, for example, ausranvik fridge and more.

4.   Design

It goes without saying that extending one’s home outdoors has become increasingly popular. Several homeowners are constantly looking to create outdoor kitchens that mirror the ones inside their home. Others, on the other hand, prefer something completely different—a kitchen with distinctive color, style, and design.

When designing your outdoor kitchen, make it a point to consider countertops ideal for the outdoors, cabinets made of stainless steel, and all the appliances that complete this living space.

5.   Functionality

The functionality of your outdoor kitchen has to be at the forefront of your mind. Like any professional kitchen setting, your outdoor kitchen has zones specific for certain functions such as cooking, eating, cleaning, etc. The dry, wet, hot, and cold zones should be conveniently accessible so that everything you end up doing in the kitchen is done efficiently.

When planning for functionality, keep in mind the utilities that go in each zone, as well as access to water, gas, and electricity. Get all of these right, and you should have no problem building a functional outdoor kitchen.

6.   Lighting

Of course, we love taking selfies in our outdoor kitchen! But kidding aside, lighting does serve a huge purpose in our outdoor living space. The right lighting options should make the transition from day to evening smooth and seamless. There’s nothing like dining in the outdoors at night, after all.

Zones for eating, cooking, and cleaning should be adequately lit. When choosing lights, consider both functionality and design. For instance, if your outdoor kitchen has a ceiling, then it would be a good idea to choose ceiling fans with built-in lights to serve two purposes.

Lighting for areas beneath counters is necessary, too. For grill areas, choose LED lights that activate when the lids are lifted.

7.   Appliances

Other things that can skyrocket the value of your kitchen, both outdoor and indoor, are appliances. When you have the complete package of high-tech appliances, such as charcoal, electric, infrared, and gas grills, as well as burners, smokers, and pizza ovens, then your cooking creativity has no limits.

Choose appliances based on your style of cooking and the kind of entertainment you want in your outdoor kitchen. High-quality, versatile appliances should always be your goal.

Final Thoughts

Building an outdoor kitchen is fun, creative, and challenging. You have tons of possibilities to work with, and things can easily get overwhelming. Setting up an outdoor living space is just as intricate as building its indoor counterpart, so make sure always to consider working with a professional.

The moment you realize you can’t do it on your own is the moment you should revisit every single item on our list with a professional. Don’t hesitate to visit the blackdogkitchenandbar.com for all the helpful information you need for outdoor kitchens.


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