Simple Decorating Rules for Arranging Furniture

Simple Decorating Rules for Arranging Furniture

Furniture arranging is really important. Not only can it affect the flow of movement and make your life easier (or harder), it can also completely transform the look and feel of a room. Here are some tips for arranging furniture that will help you to make the most of your space.

Think about how space is going to be used

This is the number one rule when situating furniture in any room. You have to keep things functional. Sure, you may want to go for symmetrical shapes or some neat patterns with your furniture, but how pleasant will the room be to use if you haven’t placed function over everything else?

Consider if your tables are within arm’s reach of the seats and if the lights give off enough light for whatever activities you will be doing in that area of the room. Have you thought about making the room accessible to younger kids and giving them comfortable seats and play areas? Ask yourself how the room and each part of it will be used and this will help you set the tone for the rest of your furniture arrangement.

Create balance in your arrangements

It’s also important to consider how the eye is drawn to certain parts of the room and how the sense of scale and height is played with and balanced by different pieces of furniture. If everything in the room is at the same height, it can make for a flat, boring room. If you have some wall art hanging behind low couches, though, then that can bring up the eye level and create a more visually diverse and appealing space. Think about how you can use furniture of different heights to create interesting lines throughout the room and how you can break out the monotony of having everything at the same height.

Give each piece enough space

If you have a lot of furniture to put into a small room, then you are going to run out of space quickly and end up with a claustrophobic, constricting feeling in the room, making it truly unpleasant to spend a lot of time in. You can make any room your least favorite room by not giving yourself enough space between items and by not lighting it properly.

Using adequate light can brighten a room and make it feel more spacious. Putting about three feet between each item of furniture in the room will create enough space for traffic to move freely and to prevent some of the bumps and other accidents that can occur in a cramped space.

Recliner Time adds “Consider how a large item like a recliner can be used in the room. It takes up a lot of space, so it can become a focal point for the room. It also needs plenty of space around it to not make everything else in the room feel smaller and more restricted by comparison.”

Create a floor plan for experimentation

It can be a lot of work to move all of your furniture around every time you need to make a change or have a notion that something different might work better. You can buy a floor plan kit that makes it easy to plan out your furniture in the space you have available. You can play around with the kit until you get a look that you like and then go and implement that. It’s a good idea to have a solid notion of where everything will go before you start rearranging items. This is useful in an empty room as well, since you can plan where everything will go and make sure you have enough space before you start putting anything into the room.

Make a space you love

A lot of people keep moving furniture around again and again until they are finally happy with the room or just get tired of moving furniture. You can approach the problem of furniture arrangement with a little more finesse by trying out some of my tips and planning ahead of time before you start the heavy lifting. I hope this short guide helps you make your home a place that you love even more.


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