Why Mental Health Treatment Gets a Bad Rap and How to Redeem It

Why Mental Health Treatment Gets a Bad Rap and How to Redeem It

Nutjob, oddball, lunatic.

Words like these are why mental health gets a bad rap. Afraid of looking “crazy”, people who need help never seek treatment. Studies show that about 50% of people who suffer from mental illness never receive any type of help.

Left untreated mental illnesses can tear lives apart from the inside out. The worst part is the damage affects everyone. Family members, friends, co-workers, all feel the effects of a loved one’s mental illness.

Are you wondering if you, or someone you know, should seek therapy? What’s stopping you from reaching out and finding help? If you need help and aren’t seeking it out, it may be because of negative mental health stigmas.

Read on to learn about why people avoid getting help and what you can do about it.

Why Mental Health Gets a Bad Rap

A lack of knowledge and old ways of thinking cause individuals to shy away from professional help. Filled with fear and doubt, they never even explore the treatments, like ketamine therapy, that are available to them.

Here are a few of the negative stigmas and reasons mental health gets a bad rap:

  • If I get help people will think I’m crazy
  • I’ll have to take unpleasant medications
  • Mental health treatment is a waste of time
  • People will think I’m broken

Look at those fears above, do any of them resonate with you? Being aware of your thoughts and beliefs is the first step in being able to change them.

Facing Mental Health Stigmas

So far we’ve been talking about some of the misconceptions and stigma surrounding mental health issues. Yet, what are you supposed to do to help you or a loved one break free from these misconceptions?

Here’s a short list of how you can change mental health stigmas:

  • Recognize the stigma exists
  • Educate yourself
  • Address emotions

Being aware of the stigma exists is the first step to changing it. Next, you need to fill your mind with new information that’s true about mental health.

Empowering Education

Educating yourself about the different types of mental health therapies is empowering. Soon, you’ll have the facts about what you’re dealing with, rather than wrong guesses.

As you educate yourself, you’ll also begin to realize that you’re not alone. Studies show that mental illness affects 1 out of every 4 people. It’s highly likely that someone in your life either has a mental illness or has a family member who does.

Benefits of Therapy

Now you know more about why mental health gets a bad rap. Misconceptions, and feelings of isolation, cause people to mistakingly think they have to fight this battle alone.

Yet, the truth is that there is help out there and it is effective. One of the best parts is you don’t even have to have a mental illness to enjoy the benefits of therapy.

Having a trusted therapist to talk things out with can help you discover patterns that may be controlling your choices. You and those who love you will all enjoy the benefits that come as you learn new ways of being and communicating.

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