How to Keep Your Gums Healthy

How to Keep Your Gums Healthy

Maintaining good oral health isn’t just about brushing your teeth twice a day, although that plays a major part.  According to most dentistry professionals, keeping your gums healthy is essential if you want to avoid gum disease, tooth loss, receding gums, and bad breath.  Here are a few tips from the world of dentistry, on what you can do to keep your gums healthy.

Brush Properly

Brushing your teeth not only involves making sure you do so twice daily, but you need to make sure you are brushing correctly.  Reasonable dentistry practices claim that your toothbrush should be at a 45-degree angle with the gums and you should be moving in short, gentle strokes.  You also need to pay attention to the insides of your teeth by turning your brush into a vertical position and again, brushing in short strokes.  Your toothbrush should also be replaced every four months or so, but if you notice any fraying, it will need replacing sooner. Also, dentistry practitioners claim that you should make sure your toothpaste contains fluoride.

Make Sure to Floss Every Day

Flossing is just as essential as teeth brushing, yet not many of us have gotten into the habit.  However, flossing reaches areas that your toothbrush cannot, and when food and plaque are able to build up in these places, it starts to form tartar which your dentistry clinic with surely notice.  This is a buildup of bacteria that can lead to gum disease and usually only a dentist can help to remove it.

Use Mouth Wash

Adults and children over the age of six should try to incorporate mouth wash into their daily oral care routine.  Using the right dentistry approved mouthwash can prevent gum disease, remove plaque, and help to remove hard to reach food particles.

Book in at the Dentist

Regular dentistry check-ups are essential in maintaining healthy gums.  Visiting your dentist allows them to spot the early signs of gum disease or gingivitis and help to treat the condition before it causes further issues.  Your mouth can also reveal a lot about your health, so your dentist may even be able to detect signs of other underlying conditions, such as oral cancer and heart disease, which is fairly common for dentistry professionals.

Quit Smoking

Dentistry professionals will tell you that if you are a smoker, know that smoking weakens the immune system leaving you more susceptible to developing gum disease.  Once gum disease has set in, carrying on smoking makes it even harder for the gums to try and heal.  Most dentistry clinics would recommend quitting smoking because it can dramatically decrease this risk. 

Watch What You Eat

Just as what we eat plays an important part in our overall health, it can also have a direct effect on the health of our gums.  According to dentistry professionals, the foods to avoid include fizzy drinks, as they usually contain citric acids which can damage tooth enamel; alcohol, as it can dry out the mouth; and sticky sweets that can stay in the mouth for a long time causing a plaque buildup which is difficult for any dentistry clinic help you clean out.  Instead, try to incorporate high fiber fruits and vegetables which can aid in cleaning out the mouth, dairy products for increased saliva production, and foods that contain fluorides, such as poultry, seafood, and water.

If you or your dentistry professional notice that your gums bleed often, your teeth are becoming sensitive, or you feel pain when you eat, it may be a sign of gum disease.  It is always best to see your dentist as soon as possible to avoid further, more complicated problems. 


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