Nature’s 5 Gifts for Healthier Skin

Nature's 5 Gifts for Healthier Skin

May be you are not aware that the skincare products you are using are contributors of harmful ingredients, toxins and chemicals that cause different skin issues in long terms. There are many other natural ways to beautify your skin and make it look beautiful. Following I have mention nature’s 5 gifts that can help you balance and achieve healthier skin. Let’s get started


Honey is a complex mixture of nectar, pollen and resins collected from flower by honey bees. Honey also has antibacterial, antioxidant and inflammatory properties that helps to fight ageing and moisturizes your skin. In addition to this honey contains humectants that helps to draw moisture from the air and makes sure that it is retained in the skin to long lasting hydration. Therefore you can apply a thin layer of honey on your face or dried area to maintain the hydration. The antibacterial property of honey also helps to treat acne.

Nature's 5 Gifts for Healthier Skin

Take a spoon of honey and add a pinch or two of cinnamon powder that also has antibacterial properties or you can add 4-5 drops of lemon to it. Apply the mixture on effected area and rinse after 5 to 7 minutes.

Coconut Oil for Shaving:

Yes! We have heard about using coconut oil for better hairs however coconut oil is used in many beauty products because of its antibacterial and moisturizing properties. Coconut oil also contains vitamin K that helps in avoiding skin conditions such as stretch marks, spider vein, dark spots, stubborn circles present under your eyes and eliminates sunburn.  There are wonderful different uses for coconut oil but you might have not heard of this one. You can take help of coconut oil while shaving your hands and legs. It is a cheap alternative in comparison to expensive chemical loaded shaving creams. Apply a thin layer of coconut oil on your hands and shave them. The coconut oil will leave your skin hydrated and due to antimicrobial properties it sooths your skin too.

Nature's 5 Gifts for Healthier Skin

Oranges for Glowing Skin:

Oranges are too famous for containing a good amount of vitamin C and such that even drinking a glass of orange juice can do wonders to your skin. Oranges moisturize the skin providing a softer and healthier look. Being rich in citric acid oranges aid the skin by drying out the acnes. Moreover the peal of the orange is also rich of vitamin C. Whereas, Vitamin C helps in collagen synthesis and prevents from ultra-violate rays. However orange is a seasonal fruit to avail its benefits all over the year dry out its skin to use it afterword.

You can make a face pack from skin of oranges for radiant skin. Dry orange peels and mash them into powder. Take 3 spoons of orange peel powder and add some milk to for a tick mixture. Apply this mixture to your skin to 10 minutes and wash it. You can feel the difference not only your skin will look brighter but it will also look hydrated and moisturized.

Nature's 5 Gifts for Healthier Skin


Avocado is yet another food item that is packed with fatty acids and mono-saturated acids such as omega 9 that is building block for skin. Avocado also contains vitamin C which has antioxidant properties and plays a vital role in collagen synthesis for healthier skin. Other than this, avocadoes are also rich in vitamin E which is again an antioxidant and saves skin from sun damage by absorbing UV rays emitting from sun. It is best for making smoothies or adding in your salad. However, avocado can be pureed and mixed with olive oil or yogurt to make masks for healthy glowing skin.

Nature's 5 Gifts for Healthier Skin

Sea Salt:

Sea salt comes up with number of minerals like magnesium, potassium and sodium that is also present in our skin cells therefore it can be used to balance, protect and restore skin. You can use sea salt in homemade toners, scrubs and facial masks by combining it with coconut oil, shea butter, olive oil or honey. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to sooth skin and calm skin breakouts.

Hope your will try the above mentioned to for better skin.

Author Bio:

Jane Scott is currently working as a nutritionist at a renowned firm. With an experience of more than a decade, she is considered as a go-to person in her field of work. She also writes blogs for her website Home Remedies for Life.


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