7 Time and Energy Organizational Tips to Consider

7 Times and Energy Organizational Tips to Consider

It seems like we all have a lot to do but very little time available to accomplish much. As such, many people have their homes greatly disorganized and are always in search of organizational tips which will not only help save time but energy as well. As a career woman, you would greatly benefit from these tips especially if you make them a habit in your life. Here are 7 organizational tips which will help you save time and energy: –

Pre-Cook Food for the Entire Week

Cooking is one of the most stressful exercises for many working moms today. As a result of this, many find themselves eating junk foods or even failing to eat altogether. You can change this by cooking foods to cover the entire week and store in some plastic containers which are designed for this purpose. This will enable you to only heat the find in a way that will save time and also reduce the overall amount of time required each day to cook. During the weekend when you are not very busy, take some time to cook your cereals and prepare other foods. You can use kitchen appliances such as a food processor to make your work easier.

Clean You’re Kitchen Daily

The state of your kitchen can be deplorable especially if you have to deal with a pile of utensils used for different meals. You can avoid the clutter by using simple tips which include washing the utensils immediately after meals or even opt for the best dishwasher that could help save time and energy. A dishwasher will help turn your kitchen into a clean environment within a matter of minutes every day.

Use kitchen cabinets to organize your utensils

Utensils can be dangerous and also very hard to trace if not stored in an organized manner. However, you can save time and energy spent looking for different utensils by making sure that are arranged in kitchen cabinets where they’ll be easy to find. Have a specific drawer for different items such as spoons, knives and others. You can also purchase knife storage tools such as magnetic blocks, knife holders or knife stripe among others. These will help keep your knives safe and organized thus reducing the possibility of accidents and time wastage trying to search for the appropriate knife for a particular task.

kitchen clean with appliances on countertop

Invest In Modern Kitchen Appliances

Did you know you could save time and energy by using kitchen appliances that come with timer which allows you to set when the appliance will go on or off? Yes, there are different such appliances including rice cookers, coffee makers and others. These allow you to have hot meals when you wake up or return from work without wasting time cooking.

Use a Pressure Cooker

Pressure cookers are real time savers and will help you greatly whether you are cooking commercially or at home. They are also great for saving energy at home since they reduce the overall cooking time by more than 30 percent. Always buy a pressure cooker whose size is ideal for the number of people you’re cooking for.

De-Clutter Your Bedroom

A cluttered bedroom is not only unimpressive to behold but also time consuming to clean. With piles of clothes spread all over and furniture filling the available space, cleaning becomes hard and could also consume a lot of energy. To avoid this, make sure you only have the necessary furniture and make use of beds which come with storage space beneath them. a platform bed for example could help keep the kitchen organized and easier to clean.

Stock Your Freezer

Always stock your freezer with essential foot items especially when the prices are down or are in season. You can buy fruits, butter, meat, milk and other items from the grocery store and prepare them well ready for the freezer. Always wash the veggies and fruits before storing them. This will not only help save money but also time and energy.

While starting on this journey, some of these things will appear hard to keep a hand on but with time you’ll get used to it. You will amazingly start noticing the difference these tips make to your schedule and energy cost thus motivating you to continue. If you are investing in a new appliance, make sure you have the best. This doesn’t mean overspending but you can get the best dishwasher at an affordable price just to use this as an example.


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