Top tips and tricks regarding home learning for your children


The past few years have seen a significant shift in the way children learn, meaning that there has been a greater focus on home-based education.

Especially for the younger ones, this home learning by parents can be paired with attending a Grandir UK nursery, for example, to supplement this traditional way of schooling. 

To ensure an enriching learning experience for your children at home, here are some top tips and tricks to consider:

  • Create a dedicated learning space

One of the best ways to begin at-home learning off right is by designating an area in your home solely for learning. 

The area should be quiet, well-lit, and free from any distractions, as well as be equipped with necessary supplies like books, stationary, and a comfortable seating arrangement.

This space helps to establish a routine, signalling to your young ones that it’s time for focused learning.

  • Set a clear schedule

Consistency when learning at home, which is why it’s great to establish a daily routine to set specific times for subjects, breaks, alongside other activities. 

A structured schedule helps with time management and keeping your kids focused during their time of learning.

  • Try out interactive learning tools

Educational apps and online resources can often aid in supplementing lessons, especially as there is a plethora of educational websites and apps tailored to various subjects and age groups. 

These can make learning engaging in a digital age and can cater to different learning styles.

  • Self-directed learning

A good idea to give your little ones some confidence and independence is to empower your children to take ownership of their education with self-directed learning. 

Encourage them to pursue their interests and explore topics beyond the curriculum, step by step. 

You can of course provide resources and guidance, but allow them the freedom to delve deeper into what interests them to help them establish their love for learning.

  • Hands-on activities

Learning doesn’t have to be confined to books or screens – hands-on activities are also some of the best ways to learn. 

You can help your children conduct simple science experiments and involve them in everyday tasks like cooking or gardening for some real-life learning experiences.

  • Create a positive learning environment

There’s no use in teaching your children things at home if they’re not in a positive learning environment.

This is why it’s important to create a supportive and encouraging atmosphere to encourage learning positively.

Remember to celebrate achievements, provide constructive feedback, and maintain a positive attitude throughout the whole process. 

With open communication encouraged by both parent and child, your children will feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and seeking help when needed.

And remember to always be open to trying new learning methods, and accommodating changes based on your child’s progress and interests.

  • Remember physical activities 

It’s important to balance all of this learning with breaks and physical activity at regular intervals, as this helps to optimise productivity and well-being. 

Incorporating regular breaks for snacks, stretching, and short walks, will help to boost energy levels, whilst enhancing focus and overall mental health.

Incorporating these tips and tricks into your home learning journey can create an enriching educational experience for your children. 

Home learning blended with traditional learning at a nursery or school helps you to bond with your children, as well as paving the way for a fulfilling and well-rounded educational experience.


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