Can Dogs Eat Applesauce? Pros & Cons

Can Dogs Eat Applesauce

As we try to find healthy ways to feed our dogs, we often wonder if certain things we eat are safe and healthy for them. One of these things is whether dogs can eat applesauce.

Applesauce is a tasty treat for dogs. Still, it takes careful thought to determine if it meets their nutritional needs. This article explores the world of dogs and applesauce, looking at the possible benefits, risks, and rules for adding this sweet treat to our canine friends’ meals.

Can Dogs Eat Applesauce?

Sometimes, dogs benefit from a tasty and nutritious treat of applesauce. Still, pet owners should be careful before delighting their furry friends. Ensure that this fruit-based mush doesn’t make up more than 5% of your dog’s daily food intake, about a tablespoon or two of applesauce daily.

Many applesauce sold in stores have added sugars, which could harm your dog’s health. It would help if you chose applesauce that isn’t sweetened or make it yourself.

Can Dogs Eat Applesauce

A young dog’s digestive system isn’t mature enough to handle applesauce well. So, they should only eat it once they are older.

Advantages of applesauce

Dogs can eat cooked apples as long as they are plain and don’t have any seeds. Apples are full of nutrients that are good for the health of dogs.

  • Vitamin A is important for good eyesight and a healthy nervous system.
  • Vitamin C helps the body build up its defenses, take iron, and fix cells that have been destroyed.
  • Potassium aids in cellular hydration and maintains a healthy blood pressure.
  • Strong protection against free radicals and antioxidants may help prevent serious illnesses like cancer.
  • The peel has the most fiber, which keeps your dog’s gut system healthy.
  • Apples are a fantastic low-calorie snack due to their small calorie count and low-fat content.

How Much Applesauce Should I Offer My Dog?

Like other fruits high in fiber, applesauce shouldn’t be a regular part of your dog’s diet. Instead, it should be given as a special treat once in a while.

If your dog overeats the applesauce, it could mess up your dog’s gut system.

Applesauce shouldn’t make up more than 5% of your dog’s food. It’s best not to give it to them every day but to save it as a rare treat for special occasions.

You could also give your dog fresh apple slices with carefully removed cores and seeds. These things can cause choking and are polluted by amygdalin, which is made of sugar and arsenic.

You can cut apples into small pieces, add them to your dog’s regular meals, or cool them down and give them a nice summer treat.

I like making homemade apple chews because it’s a fun thing to do. The process is simple, and all you need are apples.

How to Make Homemade Applesauce for Dogs

Follow these steps to make your applesauce at home if you need help finding the plain version at your local food store or prefer to do things yourself.

Apples: Start by peeling, coring, and slicing three pounds of the kind of apple you want to use. Ensure that the apple pieces are free of any seeds or bits of stem.

Cooking apples: Put the apple slices, 1/2 cup of water, and two tablespoons of honey in a large pot. Allow the food to cook for 20 minutes.

Blending into Purée: Use a blender to process your cooked apples, trying to get a better texture and get rid of any apple chunks that are still left. Keep the applesauce safe by putting it in a jar that won’t let air in and putting it in the fridge.

Is it dangerous for dogs to eat applesauce?

Consider a few essential things before adding applesauce to your dog’s food. First, it’s important to be clear that when we say applesauce is a healthy treat for your dog, we mean plain applesauce that has yet to be flavored.

There are many sugary and colored types of applesauce on the market. These don’t have any nutritional value for your dog and could also contain dangerous sweeteners, chemicals, and preservatives. If you want to be even more careful, you could choose organic applesauce.

Can Dogs Eat Applesauce

The second most important thing to remember when giving your dog applesauce is that it needs to be delivered in moderation. Due to its amount of sugar, it’s best to serve only a tiny amount at a time, like a couple of spoonfuls.

Your dog can avoid stomach upset and diarrhea by eating and drinking in moderation. Applesauce can also cause problems with thirst if your dog overeats it. So, to avoid these problems, you should refrain from feeding applesauce to young puppies.

The risk of xylitol overdose far outweighs any vitamins that might be in sweetened applesauce, so it doesn’t have any benefits. It has been shown that xylitol harms dogs and can cause hypoglycemia in just a few hours. Applesauce with extra sugar is also not a good choice since sugar not only adds to their calorie intake but also hurts their teeth. When eaten often, applesauce with a lot of sugar can add to the fat problem.

Also, spices are the most essential thing to think about. Some people may like their applesauce with a sour or salty twist. Commercial versions could still have xylitol, and there is still a chance that other ingredients bad for dogs, like ginger or garlic, could be present.


Is it safe for dogs to eat all kinds of applesauce?

No, dogs can’t eat all kinds of applesauce. The best pick is plain applesauce that has yet to be sweetened.

What is the right amount of applesauce for my dog?

About 5% of your dog’s daily food should come from applesauce.

Can I give my puppy applesauce?

Most of the time, giving applesauce to young dogs is not a good idea.

Can apples be fed to pets instead of applesauce?

Yes, dogs can eat fresh apples cut up in small amounts. Before you give them to your dog, take out the core and seeds.


Applesauce could be a tasty treat for your dog if it has the right amount of nutrients and tastes good to them. You can be sure that no harmful ingredients exist by choosing simple, plain kinds. Since too much could cause stomach problems, balance is still important.

Even though applesauce has vitamins and fiber, it’s essential to put your pet’s health first and avoid sugar and allergens. As responsible dog owners, we should enjoy giving our dogs safe and healthy adventures that will improve their lives and protect their health.



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