Can Dogs Eat Bread? Types of Breads Dogs Can Eat

can dogs eat bread

Irrespective of wanting a low-carb diet, we are all attracted towards bread. From croutons to garlic bread, there are innumerable types of bread we love adding to our diet. But when it comes to our pet, do you ever wonder if they can have bread too? Today, we will find out can dogs eat bread and if it is safe for them.

There are a few things that you should know before you feed your dog. Even if you don’t have a pet of your own, there are times when you stop by to see a fur buddy. You feel like feeding and petting them, right? As you want to feed them, sometimes bread is all you have. But is it safe for them to consume?

A few do’s and don’ts will help you with your doubts about bread and dogs. We will tell you a few things that you need to avoid while feeding your pup with bread.

Can dogs eat bread

As you know, moderation is the mantra for everything in life. The same goes here as well. Even if you feed them bread, ensure the portion is small. Bread should only be a part of your pup’s occasional treat and not his diet because sure loaves of bread have toxic additives for your fur baby.

The added additives that you must avoid are like:

  • Nuts with high-fat content
  • Chocolate chips
  • Raisins
  • Onion and garlic
  • Sweet bread

Some types of bread may even contain xylitol. Hence always check the ingredients before feeding them. Also, be aware of allergies if your dog has any. Make sure you have your vet’s number handy in emergencies.

Can dogs eat bread dough

When you have a fur baby at home, there are circumstances where they try to be a part of everything you do. If you are baking in your kitchen and they are your baking partner, you may want to act playful by offering some dough to them.

But is it safe?

According to research, uncooked dough is hazardous for your dog and can trigger unexpected stomach conditions.

If your dog consumes the uncooked dough, it will expand and distend its tummy. This will release a toxic level of ethanol into their bloodstream, which will cause alcohol toxicosis.

Hence, it would be best never to feed your pup uncooked dough. However, if you feed them accidentally, you need to contact your vet as soon as you do.

Below are a few of its symptoms that your dog might show after having dough:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Weakness
  • Distended abdomen
  • Unsteady gait
  • Seizures
  • Depression
  • Blood pressure
  • Respiratory failure
  • Vomiting
  • In worst-case scenarios, your pup may also suffer from a coma

Can Dogs Eat Bread - Types of Breads Dogs Can Eat

Can dogs eat white bread

Since there are different kinds of bread, you must wonder if white bread is safe for your dog. White bread is considered the safest only if no underlying allergies or conditions exist.

Can dogs eat sourdough bread

Sourdough may be one of your favorites, but can dogs eat sourdough bread? Well, it is generally safe for your dog if you give them in moderate quantity, but it has no nutritional value.

You can feed them occasionally. Just make sure the bread has been adequately cooked. The only danger arises when the sourdough is not adequately cooked

Some of the danger that arises due to uncooked sourdough are as below:

  • Unusual or excessive drooling
  • Restlessness or pacing
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain or bloating

Can dogs eat garlic bread

Now dogs and garlic are a big no-no. You should never feed garlic to your fur baby. Garlic has a lot of toxins that dogs cannot digest.

As discussed, fat or butter is also not suitable for your pups. Hence garlic bread is not a good idea, even as an occasional treat.

If your fur baby consumes garlic bread, it can upset their stomach. If things get serious, there may also be chances of garlic poisoning.

Can dogs eat wheat bread

Wholemeal or brown bread can be a healthy alternative without fruits, seeds, or nuts. You can use these types whenever you are feeding bread to your dog.

Can dogs eat rye bread

Rye bread does not contain toxic material that can harm your dog. However, even if this can be given, it should not become their regular snack. Also, make sure rye bread does not affect your pup. Because sometimes, your dog may even have a grain or wheat allergy that needs to be taken care of.

Dangerous ingredients to never feed dogs

Many types of bread have nuts, fruits, and vegetables that are highly dangerous if your dog consumes them. Do not ever feed your pup bread if it has the below ingredients:


Being a dog parent or a dog lover, you should know that these little beings cannot have chocolate. No matter how badly they want them, it would help if you never fed them anything with chocolate, including bread.

Baked or bread items might contain chocolate fillings or chips, which should be avoided when feeding your dog. Chocolate has an alkaloid named theobromine which can affect your dog’s respiratory and nervous systems. It can cause some life-threatening conditions like seizures.

Onions or Garlic

Many food items have onions and garlic, which should not be fed to your dog. It would be best to avoid garlic or onion bread, like bagels or even garlic bread. Onions and garlic have a compound that damages the body’s RBCs (red blood cells). It can cause hemolytic anemia in your fur baby, which is life-threatening.


As discussed, nuts have a very high-fat content, so you should not feed your dog. Moreover, some nuts are toxic, like macadamia nuts, that cause pancreatitis.


Raisins may be your favorite dry fruit, but it is not recommended for your fur baby. These can be toxic for your dog; it has a high chance of causing kidney failure.


If you think you can feed your pup sugar-free bread, mind you check the ingredient before feeding them. Some baked or bread items may have xylitol, which is highly toxic for your doggo. All kinds of artificial sweeteners are toxic for these little munchkins. Hence always check the product’s ingredients.

Can Dogs Eat Bread - Types of Breads Dogs Can Eat

Health concerns with feeding bread to dog

You need to be aware of a few health concerns when feeding your dog bread. Below are a few health conditions that are caused due to excess intake of bread:

Allergies and reactions

Gluten and wheat are the two most common ingredients present in bread that can cause allergies in your dog. Hence, you should be careful with your dog’s health before feeding bread.

If you are trying it for the first time, check for the symptoms. The symptoms may include skin conditions, gastrointestinal problems, ear infections, and weight loss.

Tooth decay

Bread that contains excessive sugar can cause tooth decay. Like cream bread, banana bread has high sugar content, contributing to tooth decay.

Along with tooth decay, your dog may suffer from heart and liver diseases. Gingivitis, obesity, pancreatitis, and organ failure are some of the issues with excessive sugar consumption.

Weight gain

You don’t want your doggo to be lazy. You want him to be playful and healthy. But too much bread consumption can add excessive carbohydrates to your doggo’s diet, causing obesity. Being obese poses severe health issues for your dog, causing joint problems and elevating blood pressure and joint problems.

Excess carbs

You must have heard that your ancestors used bread extensively, but did you know why? Because the bread has a high content of fat and carbohydrates and earlier food was not plentiful. Hence bread was used to store energy for a more extended period.

Nowadays you feed regular meals to your pups which add-ons calories causing obesity and weight gain. So, if you are adding bread to your pet’s meal, just ensure taking him through enough exercises and activities.

How much bread is safe for your dog

Portion control is the mantra for everything. Even bread can be fed to your dog if you control the portions. Follow the below tips to add bread to your dog’s occasional treat:

Small portions

Always give tiny pieces to your fur baby. This will create a want, and you can even be playful with him. Bread has a very high content, or carbs hence do not make it a part of their diet.

Serve it without condiments

Do not add any kind of condiment like jam, sugar, or even mayo. Bread isn’t a healthy option, so when you add condiments, it becomes all the more unhealthy.

Balanced diet

As you serve food to your dog, ensure you give them a proper meal with a little bit of everything. Dog food has all the required nutrients. Hence, if you add bread, just give them a little portion.

Benefits of bread for dogs

Eating bread has been part of your daily life for years now. Bread is a part of culinary practices across cultures. As you know, bread is even used for religious practices, signifying peace and wealth.

Bread is also found buried along with mummified remains. However, the bread we eat today is different.

Nowadays, we eat bagels, pizza crusts, croissants, whole-grain bread, simplified bread, and tea bread, which have nutritional value depending on the condiments and ingredients.

However, your dogs cannot make these a part of their diet. The joy of sharing food with pets will remain unknown to non-pet owners. Moreover, a tiny portion once in a while can give your pup many benefits.

Let us find out what can happen if you feed bits and pieces of bread:

Soothes the tummy

Dogs with IBS or stomach upset may have a little portion of plain white bread. Excessive starch content in bread absorbs any kind of gastric reaction. It also provides relief from irritation, discomfort, and pain. A small quarter from a slice is good enough to relieve symptoms. However, do check with the vet on the portion size.

It binds indigestible objects

Bread pads or binds foreign objects that your dog may have swallowed—for example, sharp pieces of bone or indigestible objects. Bread helps to enable them to pass from the digestive system. This is only true for small foreign objects.

You cannot digest everything with the help of bread. You should also take advice from your veterinarian for using bread in such situations.

Relieves constipation

Whole-wheat bread can help to accelerate your dog’s digestive tract by doing its work efficiently. Bread helps in making stool pass easily.

Can Dogs Eat Bread - Types of Breads Dogs Can Eat

How to feed bread to dog

Now that you want to feed your dog some bread, know the right ways to go about this occasional treat.

Baking bread at home can be a fantastic experience for you and your dog. You will not have to worry about the ingredients since everything you put in is controlled.

If you wish to try something different, you can feed them croutons and breadcrumbs.


Making croutons is very easy. Just slice the piece of bread into tiny cubes. Now mix it with olive oil. After mixing, keep the cubes on butter paper and let it cook for about 30 mins at 350 degrees. And voila! It is done.

Want to make it even more special? Add some peanut butter to that, and make sure it has no sugar added.

Bread crumbs

Now making bread crumbs is also very easy. Heat a day-old bread, cut them into big cubes, and blend it in a food processor or blender. Now bake these crumbs for some time. You can also freeze it for later use.

Final Thoughts

I hope this clears up all your queries on dogs and bread. But make sure you check the ingredients of everything before you feed them. And remember the mantra that moderation is the key.


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