How to Clean Your Furnace System in 8 Steps


Cleaning your home furnace system is an important task that should be done regularly to ensure that it runs efficiently and safely. A dirty furnace can not only decrease its efficiency but can also lead to a dangerous buildup of carbon monoxide and other harmful gases. You might also want to read these winter furnace maintenance tips for Arizona.

The Perils of a Dirty Furnace

A furnace is an essential component of any home heating system, providing warmth and comfort during the cold winter months. However, if a furnace is not properly maintained, it can become dirty and pose several dangers to your home and family.

Reduced Efficiency

A dirty furnace can reduce the efficiency of the system, leading to higher energy bills and increased wear on the system. As dust, dirt, and debris build up on the filter, blower, and other parts of the furnace, it can impede the airflow and make it harder for the furnace to heat your home. 

This can cause the furnace to work harder and use more energy, resulting in higher energy bills. Additionally, the increased wear and tear on the system can lead to more frequent breakdowns and repairs.

Overheating and Fire Hazards

Dirty buildups can cause the furnace to overheat, which can be a serious fire hazard. As dust and debris build up on the heat exchanger, it can insulate the metal and cause it to overheat. This may lead to warping and cracking of the heat exchanger, which can release dangerous gases into your home, such as carbon monoxide.

Health Risks

A dirty furnace can release harmful gases such as carbon monoxide into your home’s air, which can be dangerous to your health. Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas that can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, and even death if inhaled in large quantities. 

A dirty furnace can also negatively affect the indoor air quality of your home, causing respiratory issues and other health problems.

Indoor air pollution is the fourth-largest environmental threat to human health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). A dirty furnace can worsen indoor air quality by releasing pollutants such as dust, mold, and bacteria into the air. This can cause respiratory problems such as allergies, asthma, and other respiratory infections.

Cleaning and Maintaining Your Furnace

To avoid the dangers of a dirty furnace, it is important to maintain your furnace. This includes changing the filter, cleaning the blower, and having a professional inspect and service your furnace regularly. 

By keeping your furnace clean and well-maintained, you can ensure that it is running efficiently and safely, saving you money on energy bills, and protecting your health and the health of your family.

8 Steps to Clean Your Furnace

Here are the steps you can take to clean your home furnace system.

  1.   Turn off the power to the furnace. Before you begin cleaning your furnace, it is important to turn off the power to the unit. This can usually be done by turning off the circuit breaker that powers the furnace.
  2.   Locate and remove the air filter. The air filter is typically located in the return air duct or in the blower compartment of the furnace. Remove the filter and set it aside for cleaning or replacement.
  3.   Clean the exterior of the furnace. Using a soft-bristled brush or a vacuum with a brush attachment, gently brush away any dust or debris that has accumulated on the exterior of the furnace. Be sure to pay attention to the area around the burners and the heat exchanger, as these are common areas for dirt buildup.
  4.   Clean the interior of the furnace. Once the exterior of the furnace is clean, use the brush or vacuum to clean the interior of the furnace. Pay special attention to the burners and the heat exchanger, as these are the areas that can become clogged with debris.
  5.   Clean the air ducts. While the furnace is open, use the brush or vacuum to clean the air ducts. This will remove any dirt or debris that has accumulated inside the ducts, which can decrease the efficiency of the furnace.
  6.   Check and clean the flame sensor. The flame sensor is a safety device that ensures that the furnace is burning fuel efficiently. A dirty flame sensor can cause the furnace to malfunction, so it is important to clean it periodically. To clean the flame sensor, use a wire brush to gently remove any dirt or debris that has accumulated on the sensor.
  7.   Check and clean the limit switch. The limit switch is a safety device that helps to regulate the temperature of the furnace. A dirty limit switch can cause the furnace to overheat, so it is important to clean it periodically. To clean the limit switch, use a wire brush to gently remove any dirt or debris that has accumulated on the switch.
  8.   Reinstall the air filter and turn the power back on. Once the cleaning is complete, reinstall the air filter and turn the power back on to the furnace.

It is recommended to do this cleaning at least once a year, or whenever you notice a decrease in efficiency or an increase in dust throughout your home. You can also consider hiring a professional service to do this if you are not comfortable with doing it yourself or if your furnace is not easily accessible.


It is also important to note that cleaning your furnace is not a substitute for regular maintenance, so be sure to schedule regular maintenance visits from a qualified HVAC technician to ensure that your furnace is running safely and efficiently.

In addition to keeping your furnace clean, you can also take steps to improve its efficiency, such as adding insulation to your home, sealing air leaks, and keeping your furnace properly calibrated. By taking these steps, you can help to lower your energy bills and make your home more comfortable.

A dirty furnace can pose several dangers to your home and family, including reduced efficiency, overheating, fire hazards, and health risks. Regular maintenance is key to keeping your furnace in good working condition and keeping your home safe and comfortable.


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