How To Prepare Your Dog For A Long Trip 


Traveling without your beloved furry best friend isn’t easy. Dogs seem to have that sixth sense and are somehow aware if they aren’t included in holiday trips. Their anxiety grows, and the same feelings are mirrored in their owners.  

Luckily, gone are the days when dogs had to be left behind when their human parents went off for a holiday. Traveling with pets is becoming more feasible now, with the growing number of pet-friendly accommodations and travel gear and equipment that help make it possible. 

As you load up your car for a long trip, remember that the preparation shouldn’t just cover yourself, your vehicle, and your belongings but also your best friend, now that you’re taking them with you. Therefore, to prepare your pets for a long trip, read on for a few valuable tips.

Expose Your Dog To Physical Activity 

Let your dog do some physical activity before hopping in the car for a long trip. Dogs are naturally very active animals, so they need to have an opportunity to exhaust all that active energy first. Doing so will help them relax better and stay calm—at least during the first few hours of the trip—simply because they’re tired. 

There are many exercises and activities for your dog, from a simple run or walk around the park to obstacles and games in your yard, if you have the time, space, and Neewa Dogs equipment for it. Think of this as their playtime, especially when the trip is so long that you aren’t sure you can give them their needed half-hour daily walk. 

Have Updated Dog Tags 

Now that you’ll be traveling with them, a dog tag is a must-have. Ideally, you should keep your dog on a leash as you walk around, but you never know when they may suddenly run away. Check their dog tag and make sure all the important information is updated. It includes your name as the owner, the address, and your contact number. 

There are countless stories of dogs getting lost while vacationing with their owners, so don’t let your dog be one of them.

Visit The Veterinarian 

When was the last time you took your dog to the veterinarian? If you have a trip scheduled quite soon, this visit is called for ASAP for two reasons: 

  • To get an updated record of your dog’s vaccines and to catch up on any missed ones, if any; 
  • To have medicines prescribed if your dog has any medical condition that needs to be addressed. 

The first point on being updated with your dog’s vaccines is crucial, as it could also be one of the main requirements in border security checks. The last thing you’d want is to be sent home or for your dog to be held up for a few hours—or worse, days—as they’d still have to check, verify, and administer any missed vaccines as per local regulations. 

Take Several Practice Rides 

A few days before the big trip, get your dog acquainted with staying inside the car for long hours. Like babies, dogs can be creatures of habit, and anything new or unfamiliar to them can make them anxious and stressed out. You can make the long ride more bearable for you and your dog when staying strapped inside the car isn’t new to them. 

Taking several practice rides helps. Short trips while doing errands or going out and about are a good start. Gradually increase the length of those practice trips so your dog will be ready for that long trip ahead. 

Plan Food And Potty Pit Stops 

Now’s not the time to imagine a smooth trip with minimal stops. Because you’re taking your dog with you, you have to be willing to take regular potty pit stops. It’s recommended to have one at least every three hours. 

Along with those potty pit stops, don’t forget food breaks. The frequency of food stops depends on how often you feed your dog in a day at home. Be sure to stop when they’re eating, and never feed them in a moving vehicle—doing the latter increases the risk of dog motion sickness. Don’t put yourself through the hassle of cleaning up mess after mess when this could’ve been avoided. 

The Bottomline 

If you ever need to get away from the city but can’t leave your dog behind, it’s time to consider taking them with you. Of course, it requires effort, but there are practical ways to make it convenient. With a lot of preparation and practice along the way, going on long road trips is something you can enjoy doing with your four-legged best friend. The hardest part is always the first trip, so with the suggestions above, you should finally have the confidence to let your dog tag along on your holiday trips.



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